The Have Whinge/Vent Thread

No surprise it was poorly thought out to be like that.

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Yes sir.

I am also missing those Pokemon and also including Tauros from finishing my Kanto Dex, hence its Platinum Medal.

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What price? The price for Niantic (for that Mew prize) is all make believe. And even nearly 100% immaterial (a tiny space in a digital memory / disk bank). So, again, what price?

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Weeellll, my price playing this game is the joy to fill my collection, having more Hundos than others… it’s clearly not a material price.
But, for example, paying for an entrance in the opera, or for seeing a football match has nothing material, but there are people enjoying it.
Imagine you have paid and after five minutes, before the first goal, the game is anulated and you have to go home.

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I hope my response did not come across as impugning your interest. It was intended to impugn more firmly Niantic’s pettiness in withholding the prize, as the prize has no material cost for them (and any labor cost is from their pettiness – it would cost them less to have the prize awarded for all players who buy the ticket, than to have code check for some players to get the prize but not others, depending on whether they got it once before).

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It’s waaaaaaaay past the time that Niantic should have scapped the idea of regionals.

It’s almost five years since Pachirisu was released and I have never had even the remotest possibility of catching it. (Yes, I know there are less legitimate ways to get one, but I don’t want to do that). And it’s not right that I should have to wait for some nebulous chance in a future Sinnoh Tour either.

At least let us get them in pink 7k eggs via our intercontinental-based friends. Or have a similar system to the Vivillion variants through postcard collecting.


I believe it will spawn on Incense for Ticket holders during the upcoming global GO Fest event, so the wait won’t be that long fortunately.


Well phew… that’s a relief at least… :grinning:

…but I believe a similar argument could be made for Siggalyph, Comfey, Hawlucha, etc…


That’s true. Unless you happen to attend the in-person GO Fest event in London or find someone who will, it looks like Sigilyph will have to wait until Sinnoh Tour. Or if they finally allow global trading I have a few spare ones…

Comfey, no clue… I guess probably Alola Tour at the earliest.

Edit: whoops, turns out Comfey is an Alolan Pokémon :no_mouth:

Hawlucha is the worst one, I was literally in Mexico a few weeks before it came out :man_facepalming: I hope I can snag one at the airport next week but considering how expensive internetting is outside of Europe I’m not sure if I’m even going to try.


Since travel started up again post-pandemic, I’ve been to USA, Caribbean and continental Europe - but each visit has overlapped an ‘Event’ which made gathering Regionals almost impossible.

Mrs. celery travels much more often (for work) than I do. Without her I wouldn’t have Klefki or Bouffalant…

The whole regional Pokemon thing is a bad idea that’s been poorly implemented.


I’ve always been a passionate traveler but covid did indeed cancel out a lot of traveling plans, yet Niantic kept releasing new regionals. Post covid I traveled more than ever lol, in just 2022 and 2023 I have been to Germany, France, UK, Greece, Albania, Cuba, Mexico and hopefully next week I can add Jamaica to the list as well, unless something serious happens. And still that only makes up for maybe 40% of the total list of all regionals. It’s ridiculous.

That’s the worst of it imo. When I was in Mexico last year, the first few days there was no event and I got plenty of Panpour, Heracross, Corsola, Maractus, Yellow Flabébé and whatnot, but then we got the global Panpour event and I barely saw any regionals anymore, even Panpour seemed to spawn less than before the event. I don’t even think I have that many different regionals in my own country, and not to mention they got Hawlucha just weeks after I was there as well.


I keep saying it.
Scrap the whole regional rubbish idea and call them Traveler’s. Have them change zones either every 6,4 or 3 months. Who cares what number just do it Nianshit.

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I agree with both of you @vorgriff3 and @bagguille .

But I have different point of view to consider the situation, considering the idea which @vorgriff3 explained.

Since we are already paying the money to Niantic for Shiny Mew or any other Pokemon, so why we need to undergo through rigorous tasks in order to get our item for which we had payed ?

Why not we get those Pokemon for free, by bypassing those special research, and others who are free-to-play-players need to go through those rigorous procedures ?

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Has the new Pokémon Showcase feature been tested by Niantic at all?

There are multiple significant bugs with the system. For starters you have the issue where some accounts still can’t see showcases at all. Beyond that there are many people, including myself, who for whatever reason are only able to enter 2 or even just 1 showcase. For those that can enter 3 showcases, the current system can also prevent you from changing your entered pokemon at any showcase again! And then are some instances where some people are able to enter more than 3 showcases. There are also several QOL issues.

I appreciate that it is a new feature but it is one that is remarkably broken at this point.

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The last three I visited told me that the maximum of 100 Pokémon inside the Showcase is reached and that I cannot add another one.

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This is where the real pain begins…


I have about same Pokecoins as you, but my Pokemon storage is only 500 !

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Just transferred 93 Traded rubbish Axew off one of the kids accounts and got 6 XL Candy.
What rip off scummy ratio that is.

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Isn’t trading supposed to have a guaranteed candy xl during Hidden Gems season? We supposedly have 46 days remaining in that!

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Finally tried out the Route function today. Told me I should wal to walk to the beginning of my Route and then follow my Route to the final destination. And so I did. Turns out I never received some kind of pop up that is supposed to come on screen when you start your Route, and thus I was unable to create it and did the entire thing for nothing. :man_facepalming:

Oh, I love how well Niantic tests their new features…

Apparently they didn’t even bother to complete their coding yet. The entire feature is full with codenames.