The Have Whinge/Vent Thread

That’s what I’ve been thinking. If they desperately want to increase interest in in-person raiding, why not make it more interesting rather than limiting the other way? They’d likely even benefit themselves.

Bigger rewards for in person Raiding would have been a smart option.


Perfect. A CD I actually want, on a day with a 3-hour work shift scheduled, and they overlap all but 30 minutes.

Thanks alot, Niantic, for cutting the more-flexible CD back to the always-hit-or-miss schedule. Just thanks a f’n lot. :sob:

And the only thing close to new in April is a T5 boss that I don’t give a spit about can be shiny. Woo bleepin hoo. Everything is recycled dog poop.

“Behold, I make all things new.” - Jesus, 0033
“Behold, we give you nothing new.” – Niantic, 2023


I expect you’ve noticed by now that battle was modified to briefly zoom closer, then back, when each different opponent Pokémon enters the battle. Admittedly, it doesn’t matter all that much; but I’m definitely not a fan of the gratuitous jerking of the view. (It seems unhelpful and totally unnecessary.)

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This is truly bogus, not to mention surreal.

I went to the Go Battle League to satisfy a task in my Level 50 Special Research (“Win 15 battles in GBL”). Won 2 in a row with my anti-Cliff team, and had beaten the first two mons of the next guy. My Swampert had burned off 2 shields, and the Swampert + a strong Unfezant had beaten a Charizard and Dragonite, with my maxed out Machamp finishing the latter. But my next charge move got ANOTHER SHIELD? That made 3 shields for the same trainer in battle (isn’t 2 the limit?). And when I looked closer at the corner, I saw he still had ALL THREE MONS remaining. Bull Pucky. My shields and mons were being used up by the battle; but his were still full. Is that the way it’s supposed to be now?

Or is that an aspect of the Level 50 Special Research?

I had experienced it many times !
Usually this happens to me when I am attempting a charge move on opponent, and the game then freezes for few moments, and all of sudden the opponent is blessed with additional shield and all Pokemon revived…

I also feel that some cheaters also play up against me, as they have entirely poor team w.r.t my team, despite that they manage to defeat me as my charge moves deal minuscule damage…

That's why I always feel that PvP system need major overhaul than anything else. And my biggest concern is reward which we get after hard battles after Ace Rank.

In late 2021, obtaining Legendary Pokemon via GBL was achievable as I made my Giratina-A and Cresselia during that time ( Halloween Event: 2x catch candy). But from 2022, Niantic removed the possibility of getting legendary via GBL,
because of which I only got 4 Legendary Pokemon till date, despite hitting Ace or Elite Rank every season.

The new rotation of Rocket Bosses is trash. Not one useful out of Geo, Aero and Monkey Hands. At least every other rotation had 2 useful one to target. Shiny Shadow, who gives a :poop:.
Think I’ll be turning the Radar off and look for Gilbe Grunts.
Here’s an idea you Nianshit muppets. Shadow Gible would have been a great Boss in this rotation.

Bet they’re saving Shadow Gible for another in-person raid bait. Seems like the mons most likely to get reluctant players off our asses and back to in-person raiding are Mewtwo, Rayquaza, and Garchomp. And they already used the first.

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Cat got a shadow gible from the dragon grunt this arvo.

So-so IVs - but shadow raid catches have a 6/6/6 IV floor so there’s no guarantee of success there - even if they were to be released.

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That’s the entire joke of the so called “Shadow Raids”

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Not only Shadow Raids are inaccessible for many players, but also the resulted Pokemon for participants are RNG dependent + They come with exclusive move,


In PvP, I guess Registeel is Niantic’s favorite Pokemon for GL and UL.

Just look at its huge bulk ( natural ). It is so good at soaking big attacks.
But real trouble is the moveset which Niantic provided to it.

He has access to Focus Blast, Zap Cannon, Flash Cannon and couple these with superfast Lock-On.
Now no single Pokemon can easily soak its huge attacks. And Registeel goes through majority of Pokemon.
Even Giratina takes massive damage from Focus Blast and Zap Cannon despite having resistance against it. Whereas, his Shadow Force is of no use, considering how bad it is made…

But isn’t a 1 IV shadow still a stronger attacker than a hundo non-shadow? Niantic used to remind us often about that.

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This is just sad. I genuinely have no words for this. How can they mess up everything this often?

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I am not much sure about this…

I am also speechless when you told this !
:no_mouth: :face_in_clouds:

Slight boost in attack by compensating it with reduction of defense with that much amount(percent) of defense seems quite absurd to me. And whenever I say this, I always remember those Pokemon who are known for their high attacks, but are not much impactful like bulkier Pokemon.

Still no 100% Legendary from a Trade and one of the Kids acct gets yet another one. They all have multiples now where mine has a big fat 0 from many more Trades. RNG……FU Nianshit

I know this thread’s purpose is for letting us vent frustrations. But I’m removing my latest RNG gripe (Really Nasty Gripe?), because I’ve just gotten tired of complaining. The game is still mostly fun, and my complaints have been about it not conforming to my wishes, more than about misdesign or malfunction.

Don’t want to disappoint anyone, but Niantic Tweeted that the increased spawn range was a bug and is going to be reverted. That said, it appears some people including me may have gotten a bigger, bugged range that was not supposed to happen, so there is a small chance that is what is going to be fixed, however by their wording it doesn’t look like it.

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Niantic didn’t accepted my Nomination for Pokestop, which was a Sitting Bench, but was not visible on Google Maps, hence they marked it as fake location.

But, how did they accept this :

A Pokestop in the centre of a straight road ?

:imp: :imp: :japanese_goblin:


The worst one I’ve come across is this. Added roughly two months ago by someone from our community. This thing isn’t eligible, AT ALL. It’s a natural feature, and the playground next to it as already an existing Gym. Meanwhile it takes me over 10 tries to get literal playgrounds and art pieces that are clearly eligible through. Seeing this Stop appear actually pissed me off. How could they have possibly gotten this through?

Description says:
Bulb tree
Beautiful tree in playground

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Though it is not eligible according to Wayfarers’ strange guidelines, but at least it looks good to the eyes, and certainly one can enjoy sitting beneath it !!

But that Pokestop in centre of road is no ordinary place. It’s name is Highway Glory, and is a bar. So certainly it is not the place to visit, only the name is interesting…

This is the biggest downside of Niantic Wayfarers. It is only reviewed by local community, not by centralized jury. Because of which, there is huge possibilities that the local wayfarers will prioritize to accept those nominations which are accessible to them and their community.

:pouting_cat: :anger: :skull_and_crossbones: