The Have Whinge/Vent Thread

Same to me… no Hundo, no Shiny, only one Hitmontop 15/14/15, and another with 15/15/14.

Did all the Research pages, about 60-70 Hitmontop Research, and got no shiny nor 100%, the very little amount of rain we had kept screwing my Curveball throw streaks and had me missing Greats and Excellents over and over again, did get three wild shinies but overall I decided it wasn’t worth continuing and quit after 2.5 hours which I believe was the right choice.

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After reading your message I thought it would be a good idea to walk around and copying you.
And yes, in the wild I found both shinies, the Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan. What is lost is the posibility of a shiny Hitmontop…

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Well, almost… :wink:

Got it from one of the event field-research tasks.

Edit: Aaaaaand that’s the only shiny hitmon I have. STILL neither a Lee nor a Chan. I blew a couple of bucks on shiny-check raid passes for Cranidos (I love its red skull). But I remember how futile the shiny chase was for Rockruff, and I hope to remember never to buy a raid pass for another shiny check. Might as well just flush those dollars down the toilet.


I found three Hitmonchan and one Hitmonlee in the wild. The field-researches… better not to say nothing on my side: several bad Hitmontops, without shiny in between, an Eevee, a Swinub, don’t remember (or don’t want to do so) what other Pokémons, and a basket full of PokéBalls. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Don’t forget to delete your game in protest at the ridiculous, preposterous and downright stupid inclusion of an Eevee Spotlight Hour today between 6 and 7pm.

Eevee has had 2 whole Community Day Weekends - plus 2 Xmas Community Day catch-up Weekends and featured in countless other events plus being a near constant regular spawn AND it’s always in Field Research AND it keeps turning up wearing different bloody hats.

It’s time to rid this world of its menace.

Give me a pair of a loppers and I’ll personally go around castrating every male to stop the damn things breeding and cluttering up the planet with its useless endlessly modifiable DNA.



Aw, man. It sounds almost like Eevee dumped you and you’re still sore at her…

The only reason any Spotlight Hour matters to me is the bonus, and this week’s bonus is one that I use every time – 2x xfer candy. I’ve got over 100 Legendaries waiting for transfer. I don’t even bother trying to capture any wild mons, unless I’m desperate for the 100 Stardust… (Why else would we want to? Not having any improvement to shiny odds for the feature mon is just too lame for words…)

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Grrrr… and once more, doing a raid, and once finished the app cracks before I can do the capture.

I hate when it crashes or freezes at that point, and it seems to happen more often lately.

Try restarting the game right away and go straight back to the raid gym (or to the raid invitation, if you were invited), I’m usually put straight back into the capture screen when I do that. (But if I do ANYTHING else after restarting the game before going back, or if the raid has expired, it doesn’t continue the capture.)

Cast your mind back to when Raids were first introduced into the game. Crashing out was a regular thing unless………. It was worked out that to combat regular crashing all you had to do was shut down app and restart it. This became standard practice as crashing was a rare occurrence if the shut down-restart app was done after every Raid.
You could try that to see if things improve.

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Just like the pre-covid times nobody bothered to show up to do a Regidrago raid and it reminded me that really nobody plays this stupid game anymore because it is so stupid. Another half an hour wasted because of Nain💩. They are killing the game, and supporting spoofing. This does literally anything but get communities together to explore. There are no communities anymore here. Nobody wants to play it here because Niantic can’t run a game. And this, again, shows.

It’s not fair!!! With the last actualization Niantic has changed the Gender of my two Kecleon caught in the first hour. Instead of Neutral they are now one male and the other female…

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What a nasty special day with Pidgey.

Apart that this animal is between the worst which run around in this game, after 4 hours playing I got 1 XXS, no XXL and no Shiny. Really a fun day…


Wtf, why should I have to evolve a new release rubbish IV Pokémon where having a lot a Candy is a problem to just right off a throw away to complete a timed Collection Challenge?
How can the game designers be that clueless or is it a deliberate tactic to infuriate game players.

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Can’t you catch enough of the stupid cutie flies in six days to evolve one without wasting rare candy? The only reason to care about IV for that is a personal collection priority – or are they actually suppsed to be meta-relevant?

No way will I use Rare Candy just to evolve a trashmon. I’ll miss out rather than waste Rares.
Yes it’s a personal choice re: worthy IV.

Remember trading gone Lucky. Won’t gain much candy, but has the nice IV-increasing potential. Just turned a lousy 42 into a decent 93.

Well, a special news about me…

My account has been banned without possibility to return. Thinking rational I was waiting that it will happen. On the other side a good moment for happening this, so I can use my reflection time until after this rebellion against Niantic.

I have enough good alter accounts to go on, but maybe a pause isn’t a bad idea.

'til later, bagguille


I will join you in this pause, I think.

All fun parts of the game are literally taken away now:

  • Adding Stops to the game is no longer fun because of the ridiculous system Wayfarer uses and because the community finds the most stupid reasons to reject something that’d literally benefit them AND is eligible.
  • Raiding is pratically impossible now, because my community doesn’t play anymore (and I completely understand them). Hosting through Poke Genie now takes longer than the actual raid timer (that means longer than 45 minutes), which too, is impossible to do now.
  • Events are worse than ever with the most ridiculous repeated spawn pools and hardly any bonuses.
  • GO Fest, GO Tour etc aren’t what they were anymore. The last Hoenn Tour cost nothing, true that, but it wasn’t the experience it always used to be. In fact, it was horrible.
  • No new features have been added since Ultra Beasts I think? And even those weren’t necessarily interesting.
  • The game still has way too many bugs.
  • Usual egg pool is nothing too crazy. I always enjoyed the babies in 7km eggs until they were randomly taken out and never seen again.
  • bonus boxes are literal ripoffs at this point.
  • Field Researches are recycled every month and not rewarding in the slightest. Niantic even forgot to recycle them this month until a few days in.
  • GBL never interested me because of how broken it is.
  • Rockets, again, are too much of the same now. Especially considering they added Teddiursa to the Leaders AGAIN, and last time it was Beldum who made a second appearance.
  • Almost every event we’ve seen the last couple of months had an extra paid add-on. Best part, even if those were free I probably wouldn’t have cared.
  • Community Days have the worst time window ever at the moment, often leaving me not bothering too much anymore.
  • Spotlight Hours have been absolute trash lately.
  • Seasons have gone increasingly downhill too, with the last Season being the Season of Paywalls and the current Season is the absolute lamest Season we’ve ever had, I myself would call it “Season of Destroying”.
  • There are still so many Pokémon and Shiny forms to release, and basically any event at this point just doesn’t release anything but goes back to the same old recycled stuff. The last time we’ve gotten a new Shiny released through an event, excluding CDs and Hoenn Tour, was with Valentine’s Day on February 8th.

What is there still to enjoy in this game? I have no clue.


They should have offered more incentives for in-person things, but decided to just take away from the remote play, hoping to FORCE us to go back to running around town (which isn’t even viable, any more, since most of the Discord groups fell apart during the lockdowns).

It’s been an extra blessing to be so busy with Easter-related things, because my interest has been waning since autumn.

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