The Have Whinge/Vent Thread

Spinda :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I just needed 1 more Team GO Rocket leader to finish the challenge :disappointed: :rage:


Anybody else with problems to get gifts spinning a Pokestop?

No problem here

Maybe a result of the last announcements of Niantic to go against the “not all in rules”-players

Yes, but that is because I keep getting so many items I can’t even spin a stop.

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The one time I didn’t get a gift from a Pokéstop spin recently was fixed by updating the app. (And I was surprised that the game didn’t force me to update right away.)

Speaking of which — since a few months ago (give or take…) the game seems to require me to update at the beginning and end of most special events.

In the past few weeks (maybe four or five times), I’ve had the game completely freeze in the middle of raids. Closing and restarting the game has gotten it working again; but only when I can rejoin the raid (i.e. only if it hasn’t already ended).

Here’s a screenshot of the most recent freeze:

I see this white cloud in the center… is it frozen air? This would explain your problem. :joy: :joy:


Frozen cloud / frozen game … Wow, I walked right into that one, didn’t I? :confounded: (nicely done, there)

What is the nominal shiny rate these days, anyway? I thought it was close to 1 in 200. (Whatever it is, getting 0 in over 400 feels worse than it should be.)


Thanks, It’s not easy to make word-joke in a foreign language.

About the shiny rate… no idea. I’m shure that my account has an anti-shiny bubble, so my rate doesn´t count.

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For Raids? Or in general?
Either way, Legendary Pokemon around 1/19 and wild Pokemon around 1/512 (there are some exceptions, though), so getting way over 400 without a shiny despite it sounding so much is actually nog enough to expect a shiny.

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There is a wrong announcement ingame.
It says that there is a guaranticed gift when you spin a Pokestop during the next 48 days.
But what happens if you receive a investigation of scanning the Pokestop? That is not a gift, it’s a compensation for work you’re doing for the company.

At this point I might as well just skip Spotlight Hour. I’ve been having at least 10 consecutive Spotlight Hours without a Shiny now, that’s over 3000 Pokémon encountered and no Shiny to show for it. It’s getting ridiculous.


No doubt, @Jormdeworm , although I believe it exceeded ridiculous at least a year ago.

I don’t recall any kind of keeper (neither shiny, nor hundo) from any spotlight hour, ever. Their only appeal is harvesting stardust or candy xl, and the occasional chance to transfer my accumulated legendary debris for 2x transfer candy.

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Correct. I think ever since Niantic decided to make Spotlight Hour and Bonus Hour one event it’s been ridiculous. Before they also felt ridiculous but at least back then not finding a shiny didn’t mean lost access to bonuses either.

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SEVENTEEN excellents, golden-razzed, in a row, and it still fled.
Stupid :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: _______ _____ __ ____.

The last time something like this happened to me was three golden rasperries fleed, but I one not catching not even remember… Niantic has to change to more crude. Maybe better I don’t try to catch one…

Sorry for the confusion. I had 17 times to catch a Dialga, and used golden razzberry for all 17 throws. Hit excellent on all 17, but still had it flee at the end.

For wild encounters it’s very rare for me to get more than 3 or 4 throws before it has either been caught or has fled…

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No confusion, I understand that you were talking about a Raid. And I don’t remember that something fled when I use the golden razz.

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