The Have Whinge/Vent Thread

The recent change to how incense works in relation to being stationary or moving. Eg less frequent spawning if not moving around was a step backwards. I get that the concept of the game is to go out and explore and catch ‘em all but I don’t understand why they think they needed to force that mechanic in Covid times when a lot of people are stuck at home.

I’m like the majority it seems in I only use them for CD’s. They same goes for Lure Modules. It’s been almost 2yrs since I would Park in 1 spot on a Lured Triple Stop and just catch for 1-2hrs.


So I was hoping for something at least a tiny bit cool to come out the research breakthrough rewards…

And then an onix appeared. Yay.

Onix as the research breakthrough is as exciting as it was when in 10k eggs.
Having said that I’ll be putting every single one I get up for >100km Trade to get the XL Candy needed to take my Shundo Steelix from L40 to L50.
Can never find a good nest you really want at the time when needed.

Now for my own whinge.
The release of the 3 Shiny Dragons Zekrom, Reshiram and Kyurem has been a massive fail for me. On the flip side I have not wasted $ chasing them. Other things in life were a massive distraction while the first 2 were out which limited my enthusiasm to tap away madly to do anymore than listed below. Now I have some of that desire back the crapmon are the featured T5’s thus avoiding :roll_eyes:

0/26 - Zekrom
0/6 - Reshiram
0/16 - Kyurem

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Every now and then I’ll see a name in my friends list that I don’t recognize, which makes me strain to identify who they are (which usually depends on me being able to notice which one out of my list of 200 is no longer there).

I would find it very helpful, as well, to have the friend screen show when we became friends, so I can tell whether the unfamiliar name has been a longtime-but-inactive friend for years, versus somebody I remote-raided with recently but forgot to de-friend after the raid.

The wild spawns in between events are truly awful at the moment.

…that’s it! Pathetic, infuriating, uninteresting garbage :rage:


The unrelenting series of holiday events had to let up at some point, lest players get burned out.

But what’s the point of withholding the shiny for Genesect AGAIN? If there are already too many red Genesects out there, how about an alternate shiny, instead? Maybe a blue one or a green one? Or a gold one, kind of like the Nosepass shiny? As it is now, any boss less than hundo will get unceremoniously transferred to the professor.

Niantic can’t just invent new shinies for something like genesect. Nintendo / Pokemon company will throw a fit if they would.

Also, it’s not just the between-event-spawns that suck. Last event and current event suck aswell. Almost only Gen 1 stuff. I DON’T NEED THOSE. I’ve been famring those for 5,5 years and have deleted so many spare shinies of them it’s not funny anymore. Like last event we had geodudes and machop. We just had machop in CD december!
And i get it, January is a small cooldown period after big december and before Jotho event, but it’s really boring right now.


Niantic’s choice for events has been absolutely horrible lately, and I’m only playing less and less because of that. Last time I genuinely enjoyed playing this game was with GO Fest.

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But one Pokémon that is eminently not worth the bother is the dumpy trash bag. I find nothing about it appealing, and it’s totally meta-irrelevant. The game already had Grimer and Muk; there was no need for Trubbish.

At this point I don’t even want a shiny of it. I’m through even clicking on it any more.

I like them for the 700 Dust


Yeah, me too for the higher dust per capture despite of its low capture rate


I hadn’t noticed

I hadn’t noticed that… I got 750 dust for the one I just caught. Probably not quite enough to actually LIKE it. But probably enough to be worth the bother…

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WTF :flushed:!! Is it the Valentine’s Event or is it Plusle Community Day?!? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Only good thing out of this event is extra Chansey for the XL’s when I trade them. The rest is just Dust collection.


Up to now I’ve seen only one Chansey…

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I rode my bike 30m from home last night and got 4 in 10m. 2 at work today.

Has to be a problem of Australia… maybe the same what happens to you before choosing this name?

:joy: :joy: :joy:

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That very brief moment of excitement you see an Axew from an egg hatch only for it to turn to utter disappointment the IV is just another :poop: one :disappointed:.


And that not-so-brief moment of deep disgust as the T5 boss flees, after hitting it with 15 consecutive Golden Razzed Excellent throws…

:nauseated_face: :rage:

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