So, how have you been interacting with Pokémon Go since the remote raid nerf?

It’s been over 2 months since Niantic made the call to severely increase the price of remote raid passes and limit everyone to only 5 a day. And I was just wondering how the change has impacted you since then?

• Has it forced you to raid in-person more?

• Do you still spend money and raid remotely?

• Have you gone free to play or quit?

I personally have stopped spending money since the increase and raid locally a few times a week using free daily battle passes and some I purchased from coins obtained by defending gyms. Campfire definitely helps with this. Unfortunately for me, Non-duoable 5 stars are inaccessible now in my immediate area without remote raiders, which means I’m now only able to do them on Saturday when I play with locals at a park a few miles out in a neighboring city. Outside of that, I’m stuck being low tier raids.

Remote raiding was never the preferred means of raiding for me because I’m lucky enough have access to local gyms, but the nerf definitely impacted the way I interacted with the app in a negative way. Always having help with raids was amazing and I’ll really miss it, and having actual options was the best. Sad times indeed.

No real change for me, normally I do only the raids needed for investigations. And the mayority only asks to participate, indiferent the level.

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I was never a big remote Raider unless it was Meta relevant and I don’t have a 100% IV so that’s all Meta relevant except Mewtwo :rofl::rofl:.
The increase price has greatly reduced how little i did before still.
No increase with inperson Raids since either. All up I would raid less than previously. The lack of good IV drops deterred me from Raiding much a long time ago. The ploy of giving me crap to make me play more hence spend more $$$ does not work on me.

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I used to do remote raids 4 or 5 times in a month, but since increase in price, I am not raiding any more, and saving the passes for Mega Rayquaza.
So yes, it did affected me .

Niantic is pushing people to go out and play, but for that 2 essential conditions are required :

  1. Other Players who play this game
  2. Pokestops or Gyms at least for some interaction.

And neither of these conditions are satisfied here. No one else plays this game, and neither any Pokestops exists here around.

For this, Niantic ( as well as top players who are famous on internet ) recommend to nominate the Pokestops.
I did nominated 4 or 5, and all of them were rejected, as Niantic told that those location are fake.

Those locations were mostly Bus Stops and Public Benches. And the reason Niantic marked them false was due the fact that they were not visible on Google Maps, hence they DNE.

If this is the case, we can’t see the air, so does this means we don’t breathe ?

If there would have existed at least a Gym, then I would have felt happy even to win 3* raids. But that’s not case.
Niantic also nerfed the Legendary Rate From GBL, because of which I am not getting any of them from Long Time.

People don’t raid because it is fun, but because it is highly rewarding with goods.

If GBL would also have been that much rewarding, then one would have easily found people playing it as well.

We play games for entertainment, not for exertion. What is the point for me to walk and walk and walk, if I know that doing it doesn’t do any benefits. If Niantic wants to make an excuse of saying that it promotes fitness, then for it I will download Google Fit, and will be more satisfied to see those graphs and metrics of my exercise.

Niantic should know that no one uses Pokemon GO to explore the nearby areas. Google Maps still beats all of these.

What is the Probability that any famous place in lesser known area will not be in Google Maps, but will be in Pokemon GO ? It will and should be near to Zero.
The company had focused so much around these so called POIs that they had neglected the elements by which entire Pokemon Franchise is known for.

The Journey which The Pokemon Company depicted of Ash Ketchum was solely based on, catching Pokemon, making them strong, defeating other trainers and rise to the top.
And if you all think that I am wrong, then listen to the original title track of Pokemon, in which Ash started his journey back then.
Pokemon become stronger by training, not by catching the same species again and again.

And this core element of the franchise is missing and/or is highly degraded in Pokemon GO.
But, the people from game’s behalf say something else to defend their ideology.

For the question about how much I am interacting with game, then for that I will say, too little.
Apart from aforementioned issue, the other trouble is weather here.
Niantic makes decisions according to their home country, and they had kept the time for any event from 2 to 5 pm because of this only. They have temperature around 20-25, hence it is good for them to do. But during 2 to 5, we face 44-45 degree Celsius of temperature, so there is no chance that I will go outside, nor does any other people do.
Nowadays, I only do CD, and couple of battles, that’s it.
I also want to mention that I had reached Elite Rank in PvP almost every season. But now, I don’t feel the motive to do battles either.
Pokemon which spawn are too bad, and there is no point in catching them again and again.
XL candies are among the most rigged mechanics in the game.