I completely agree with you. All points are correct according to me, including their preparation for the game’s last rite…

According to me, there are many why's about the game and its mechanics which are not justifiable.
They are :
- Why CP formula exists in game ?
- Why Pokemon spawn according to the season, not according the routes ?
- Why buddy system exists, as it doesn’t have anything special ?
- Why there are no incentives for GBL ?
- Why do we need to catch same Pokemon again and again to power them up ?
- Why Gyms are made without any objectives, apart from 50 coins ?
- Why Elite Raids and Shadow Raids are insurmountable for players without community ?
My other concerns are discussed here, so I will not repeat it again…
And when they release, they are not accesible to general Public.
For example, I am yet to get Salazzle and Volcarona, and few other Pokemons. Another mistake they did was that they made regional exclusive available to those who are paying. This had somewhat took away the rarity surrounding them.
Also, do you remember Zarude ? It was brought in the game with lots of hypes surrounding it, but after that there is no signs about him.
Niantic is failing in describing their point of exploration. They should know that, no place is explorable and interesting if we visit there every now and then. This is as same as eating delicious cuisine every day, which takes away its deliciousness in long run.
Also, see the image below:
What elements can you see in screenshot above, by which I can enjoy the game ?
Niantic says to players to interact with people and make the gaming community, but it is almost impossible here. If we ask some random people to play cricket or football with us then they can come and play most probably, but asking them to play game is impossible.
Here, you will see people having their evening walks and talking along the way with strangers who are also walking, but you will never find any people busy in phone while they are walking with someone.
Doing this portrays our vague personality, where we are paying attention to phone, instead to people who are walking with us…