Level 34 from Australia! Please add me!
0391 6177 0045
Please feel free to add me Ill send as many gift as possible
6958 9714 6205
5045 5101 9337
Trainer Code: 1343 7246 9848
1449 5199 9148 from MN US
9023 4047 1366 California feel free to add me
2978 1964 1627 from Argentina
Hi. My code is 704594390600.
Active everyday.
Greetings from San Francisco Bay Area. Would love to have trainer friends from all over the world. Trainer code: 1845 4256 0452
I added you, i am from finland that is in europe my trainer code is 6370 7518 7241 if someone wants regional trades
OMG how to have bag space with all those gifts XD
Recount… I used 12 digits… I already got over 100 friends with the code
Darrn it didnt know that you had to be near. Still cant tell what the future holds
Here is my trainer code I play pretty often level 31.
I"ll send gifts to anyone that sends me gifts back thanks!
True. A lot of potentials with this new feature