Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

Add me in California 0984 9033 1732

Instinct player from Ontario, Canada. Add me

1525 5739 0421 from japan

Greetings from BALI
Currently I have an empty list of friends. Hope can get a lot of friends here.

Please add me
2673 7066 9133

1387 7192 2421 from Seattle :slight_smile:

Greetings from South Korea.

0937 7809 1000 from Seoul

Sorry list is full

Sweden here
Trainer code: 9186 5053 4764


1 Like

0289 8702 9029
Got a few gifts now.
Back in SF tomorrow. Hella pokestops.


0916 7635 9397
From Moldova.
Please add if you’re able to send a gift back. The last couple of days I’ve sent lots of gifts to people found on this thread, but I didn’t receive a single one back yet.


9449 5217 0818 add me

My pmgo nickname is Acetone4321, and have added your account. I am from Taiwan.
After acceptance, I can provide you the gift almost everyday.

Looking for Anyone not in the USA want a world variety of friends I’m in Florida

Tema instinct indonesia 4766 1336 1991

7488 9195 5201 from Germany :slight_smile: