Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

Sent! Good to have local friends, with the trading distance limits.

Regular NY user - 0747 8470 5920 - looking for new friends!

Have fun out there everyone!

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Hi! Lets be Friends my code is 4767 2490 8502
From the Netherlands, Ill send as many gift as possible.

My code
7933 7231 9963
My friend’s code
7533 3225 0272


My Code is 9906 5304 4373
Dallas Area… Team Instict

Please add me I will provide daily gifts, scouts honor

trainer code is : 3754 9749 0527

From central Texas. Add me. Will send gifts

Please add me, I’m not that experienced but you can help! 7412-5996-7200

Add me 8837 9058 5852



I’m from taiwan

Please add me 6121 9870 1349
Level 35


My gf’s Trainer code: 4922 0586 9736

I just went to Germany last month and I visited Hannover , however I don’t have enough time , that’s why I cancelled my trip to Bremen . Hopefully , I will go to Bremen next year . Btw , I applied the master degree in Germany , if I get the offer , then we can meet in Germany and play Pokemon together

add me

6962 5189 8923

My trainer code is 5231 3263 2994, add me for gifts

Hi! my friend code is 3436 7740 8807 add me!
I will send as many gift as possible.
Thanks! Best regards.
Level 34 from Argentina.