Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

Don’t we have to be near each other?

We do ?

I think so

Try trading now

That’s lame :sweat:

My ID is 946199817428. Will send gifts to anyone who sends me gifts. Don’t know anyone who plays so need to find people online

hey im from germany my code:
6749 2694 1526

1781 9219 2664

0993 5452 8593
Team Instinct (Yellow)
Based in Liverpool, England add me if your local!

6981 4853 5336

Dallas, Texas, USA
0645 0591 1205

Hi guys,

Please add me as a friend so I can send and receive these pokemon gifts.

My trainer ID is 3895 0758 1383.

Many thanks

My code. I am from Asia
0240 3690 8485

CyrexAlpha - 6728 8089 3230

You didn’t send me a gift back! I’m menameismo

9609 4594 1753 from belgium. Send gift, get gift

3622 9138 5320 from the Netherlands. Tank you :slight_smile:

8282 5734 9638
from germany :slight_smile:

Philadelphia, add me! 1999 3086 9163