Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

8142 5163 0805 Here is my trainer code. Add me for gifts everyday and for trades.

9609 4594 1753 from belgium. Send gift, get gift…

I live in Poland, I am an active player, 30lvl
3369 1182 8198

Active trainer from New York, lvl 32.
1667 7216 5244

1730 1949 4565 Add me for daily gifts.

0844 1261 8555

Add me :slight_smile:

This is mine: 3490 9044 9059

938315542231 from Ottawa, Canada

My code 1364 3750 8122 :slight_smile:


Send me a gift and I will return if I have any :slight_smile:
1984 6118 1997

8142 5163 0805 This is my trainer code. Add me for gifts and trades.

If you’re an active player, mind adding me ?
1667 7216 5244

5136 8162 6466

Team Valor here Trainer code 5013 9558 1343 coming from California, add me, let’s start gifting!

1667 7216 5244
I play in new york

Hello from Poland my code:

1387 3595 7390


Gifts For Gifts

6981 4853 5336

Want to trade pokemon as well ?