Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

6981 4853 5336

4790 3418 7500 add me please

Near Philly, add me! 1999 3086 9163

Here is my code

8467 7413 6607

Please add me as friend: 2587 3619 7054

6981 4853 5336

New York, NY here!

1340 9638 4675

Level 33 and happy to trade away!!

6714 1421 0321
I play a lot and will be exchanging gifts with players that send me them, everyday. Thanks in advance.

9609 4594 1753 belgium. Send gift get gift

My code’s 8286 1671 8921. Gifts from Poland on their way

Add me active player… everyday!

GOo GOo ! 8097 6040 2123

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Add me! I don’t have any friends :frowning:

6682 8311 4050
Active Player. I play pretty much everyday. Send me a gift and i’ll send a gift to you asap.

1075 8711 6928

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Mine is 6485 5589 1598

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2544 9262 2716
Add me!

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