1-Riolu (emptied my 8 10kg eggs, not a single one showed up).
2- Latios (3 tries, not a single one on the weekly breaktrough)
3- Mewtwo (Fought 2, on ex-raids, wasted 24 balls and could not catch either)
4- The regionals (14 eggs hatched on that event, got a Mime… the one from Europe, that is all around here).
5- The new ones. Got 2 Cherrim already, saw nothing else.
The game is designed so we never complete the Pokedex and keep coming back for more. I’m fine with that though, and now am just working on gold gym badges. I catch what I catch and don’t worry about it. Only do 1 incubator too because I’m trying to max out storage space.
Completing the Pokédex is not my goal anymore too, because I know that moment will NEVER happen. The main reason I still play the game is to catch Shinies and to hit Level40.