[Q&A] How many/which Perfect Pokémon do you have?

This event is perfect to get new hundos by purifying my 3-star shadow Pokemon


Hoping for some thing I didn’t have to be on the Map near the route I take home from work the last few nights.
A little bit out of my way but couldn’t pass up a big CP Charmander for another perfect Charizard.
The Machop was at the end of my street and could not be ignored at that CP.
The Shieldon was a surprise Field Research reward.


1st raid today and got this!


Welcome back!

And congrats

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Nice. yet i only have Sneasel,Jolteon,Raichu and Gengar

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Last weeks spawns on the drive home from work and CD haul all with help from the Map.

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One catch, one Trade. Both complete the Families.


I don’t usually bother to check the Map and chase 100% after work between 17:00 and 20:00 as traffic and being able to park near the spawn can be very difficult and has proved fruitless before.
Yesterday and today things just worked out to be favourable. I’ve been after the third Gastly for a long time then the Sentret spawned 2 blocks away from the Gastly.

With excitement I went to take a pic of the Gastly family and discovered I already have the full family. Oh well.




Kyogre Raid night was a massive fail. The frustrating Space Whale makes you waste so much time waiting for it to be in the centre of the screen. Add to the reduced amount of raids possible the second appearance on same Gyms have Raid has finished error then asking you to rejoin. After 3 tries of the same crap Raid night was aborted early so I thought I’d chase down some 100%. Got these between where I Raided and home.

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Forgot to post this one.



No Saturday work today so went out and burned some fossil fuel chasing 100% for a few hours.
It’s been a very productive day now hopefully I can get the last 2 Grass ones need plus whatever else I need.


Got these later in the night. Chased down 3 other Grookey. One I couldn’t reach when there and other two I got done over by weather change.
Need 1 more so I can complete the catch/evolve task so I don’t have to burn Candy on one I’ll only trash after.

Focus for Sunday was to get that third Grookey then focus on getting Dreepy and Frigibax Candy. Got a second perfect Dreepy plus a couple other 100%


With much more luck than @Jormdeworm I got this Hundo tonight…


Hah, I don’t think that is too difficult especially with Raid Days :joy:

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The amount of 100% Ponies could have been much greater but I got what I need then called it day early. Pick another chop up during the week on the way home after work.

Later in the night I was hoping to get 2x Sewaddle while that are common. All spawns were either in inaccessible locations or just out of travel time by 2-3min. Got 2x welcome uncommon and the last Karrablast needed to complete the Family so that was good.


I haven’t done this one yet, so I present my 3 perfect pokemon that I’m very proud of:

This is my absolute favorite:

I caught it this year in February (in the wild) and I know it has the tag “to evolve”, but I just can’t decide. Do I evolve it into Dragonite? Do I leave it as is? I find Dragonair so majestic, a big part of me wants to keep it as is… And that’s why it’s been left on the side, stuck at 50 candies, while I make the decision!

These two I purified, the Gible I got from a rocket grunt and the Mismagius after completing special research:

(may this post bring me more lucky findings, as there’s a tendency for things to change as soon as I update things! :crossed_fingers:)