[Q&A] How many/which Perfect Pokémon do you have?

While having the Map open and zoomed at certain range last night concentrating on Fifi Dogs I missed the 100% Jangmo-o that was only 5min from home but out of time range from where I was :sob:.
Only need 4 more Fifi Dogs to cover all Fashions.
Only have 10 more hours of event left here to get them plus another Blue Frillish.


From a trade (for those keeping score :wink::grin:)


Fifi Dog 100% hunting was a fail. I had to get something from a Hardware store first. Ended driving 20min in the opposite direction to where the best hunting ground was. Got in 2hrs of play before Ex Mrs Kanga called needing something done for little Miss Kanga. Abandoned hunting for the rest of the day so fell short on the full 10 Fifi Dogs. Got some others though that complete off Family lines.

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Was hoping the end of the fashion event would bring a significant change in the spawns I could chase to fill 100% gaps in the Dex and Family lines. First 2 days it was mostly the same stuff I already had frequently and anything wanted was out of driving time range.
Finally got some stuff to chase down in a 60min window after dinner and 1 on way to work this morning. 2 new and a second seasonal Deer.

Wow, it’s more than visible that this radar is giving you a lot of chances to hunt down Hundos… :clap: :clap: :clap:

It does make it much easier for building the Hundo collection. With the really crap rates at which I get them through Trades, Raids, Quests, Wild Catches and Hatches I don’t feel guilty one little bit for being able to enjoy my collection more by using the Mapping service. I will still only get them by having to drive to the physical locations though.

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Only got to chase them for 90min in 2 days over the weekend.

I got 21 Balls to throw at the Terra. Got it on Ball #21. Caught one on another account that was a lower CP but high IV by the time I’d used half of them up and thought gee this could be a keeper IV. Had no idea it was a Hundo until it was caught.


Wild catch not evolved.

29/11 update after Raid hour.
Not sure what the hell is going on with my Trainer atm. I don’t get 100% Legendary from Raids and now I’ve got 2 within 5 Raids of each other and they are actually useful ones at that.

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I didn’t see any hundos in the Wooper Community Day a month ago; but I got one last week…


Since last update.

Great day Sunday. Used all my free Passes on Sammy’s then I was done with Raids so chased 100’s. Was in the right area at the right time as each one was coming up no further than 10min drive away each time.

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Wrong thread

Still quite relevant to this thread, though. :smile:

Following your inspiration last night was a success (shiny Samurott); maybe I’ll sustain that (imitate you the rest of this day by doing a few more Samurott raids, then chasing hundos afterwards)…

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This came up after over 1000 Trades finally breaking a poor run.

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After several nights of the Map virtually giving up nothing but Pawmi, Slugma and Spoink 100’s there was finally something the chase after last night.

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:star_struck: :100:


Played the Frozen Water event. Completed the tasks on four accts then went and chased the 100’s required to complete family lines in the last 2hrs. Took a break for dinner then chased 100’s again for a bit.

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It’s been a lean frustrating week with the map not fitting with the small windows I’ve had to chase them.
I need both family members of Goldeen and Krabby.
When I’ve had a window to chase them they are not appearing or have been in spots not reachable without trespassing.
When I can’t chase them and I look at the map they are everywhere………….grrrrrrrrrrrrr
Can never have enough Blast Burn Charizards so here’s one to replace another with a larger CP I already have.


Delphox is the 23rd hundo in my collection. Caught as a wild spawn, It is now my third hundo starter and second fire starter. It will be very handy to have in raids and ranked battles (when it becomes meta).