[Q&A] How many/which Perfect Pokémon do you have?

I’ve nodded off many times while trading too! :sleeping:

I’ve even fallen asleep while battling and woken up some time later to find the “Good Effort” message sarcastically clapping me! :grin: :zzz:


Amen to that. How cool it would be to have a setting we can use to select shorter animations for trading. And I certainly wouldn’t mind having some sort of bulk-evolution feature.

It would have been more fun if Niantic includes Global Trading System, as this is already present in MSG from very long time.

Bringing this QoL will definitely make people go crazy for trading, and will be more fun for trading with friends who are in our friends list.


Cleared-out my Research stack and found these. A veritable hundo bonanza - though only the fomantis is new to me…


:roll_eyes: 721ish :rofl: to finally get 1.
First Trade of day it came up. Now to try for the other 2 in the family.


Perfectly useless; but nice to get! :100: :smile:


I guess evolved Lopunny can reach exact 1500 CP. Mind using it in Great League then ?


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No kidding… Thanks. I notice at level 14, a hundo Lopunny is 1498 CP. Not bad. Darn shame this is already level 15…

My alt has a 4-14-15 Diggersby, which at 1499 is an absolute brute at level 47. This would have made a nice complementary mon for my main. Guess I’ll keep looking for that.

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Hundo hound-of-hell running loose in my back yard…


But it’s good to have its hundo mega

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I’ll have to give that a try, when an opportunity comes. Thanks for the tip.

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All Axew and Fraxure traded from the kids accts. No second 100% from the last 380 trades.
That makes it 1/1100ish Traded. Very poor result.

I usually don’t get 100% IV Pokemon, but whenever I get, it’s all because of effortless luck :

:laughing: :laughing:


Also sorry to everyone, because I made this post in wrong topic by mistake, and hence deleted it from there


Apparently I got this last week.



Wild catch a few days ago. I was excited thinking it was the final one needed to complete the family line including Bellosm. Turns out I had the whole family covered already.


Hello @Piano1350

:wave: :wave:

Welcome to Pokemon GO Hub Forum !!

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Its good to be here!

I know some people get annoyed with purified hundos, but i was younger back then :sweat_smile:


Good to hear, we’re glad to have you on our forum :slightly_smiling_face:

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It’s good to have a collection of hundos like that. Congrats!

And while I don’t do the purifying thing unless required, I consider a hundo a hundo, whether natural, lucky, or purified.

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