[Q&A] How many/which Perfect Pokémon do you have?

As Les Dawson said when describing his mother-in-law, “100% Dragon”…


Dutch dragons are the best! :grin::+1:


Congrats, @celery! 422 Zekrom raids (213 on main, 209 on alt) produced 4 hundos for me; but none of those was weather boosted. My ‘white whale’, though, is the black legendary shundo, whether or not it’s boosted. Still chasing that ultra-rare quarry (and harvesting candy and the ever-needed stardust in the process).

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It’s of no surprise with my Trainer being such a useless pathetic dud that I have zero 100% Zekrom.

It took over 200 Raids for me to get a hundo Reshiram, and I’m still trying to find hundo Giratina and hundo Kyogre after all this time. Just keep trying, man.

I’m not sure I come out that well by comparison either. :man_shrugging:t2: :expressionless:
Geographical location - and lack of fellow trainers - has limited my Legendary Raid participation… but I still have only 5 hundo Legends from almost 1000 efforts.

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1/306 here. Haven’t done a lot of Legendary Raids due to the fact the raid group I wanted to join has insane rules on who can take which Gym and who can’t and would probably limit me even more in Raiding with others, and besides I more often spend my time Shiny hunting than raiding. And I’m refusing to waste even a dollar on passes too. Raids hardly grant me anything anyway so I see no reason to chance that at all.


We should drop the “raids” part of the search string, since the game didn’t always track that, and very few encounters with Legendaries occur outside of raids.

Revising my earlier post, my stats:

Alt: 25 hundo legendaries in 6210 raids = 0.4%
Main: 24 hundo legendaries in 6214 raids = 0.38%

By comparison, the 966 in 1000 listed by @celery gives 0.966%, and the 1 in 306 listed by @Jormdeworm gives 0.368%. I’m curious to see those stats without the “raid” search key…

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Yours looks good against mine @celery .

Dropping the Raid search brings up 3 more on mine. The Articuno was from the 7 days Quest Reward. The other 2 were Raided.
Point of note 0 from Trades. Wish I knew the number of Legendary Trades done but can only list total trade stat of 41K.


Still only one hundo legendary after 518 legendary raids


I have 14 Hundo Legendaries from over 4500 Raids, so that’s 1 every 320 at the very least.

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A couple of things from my earlier post - firstly a correction - actually I have only 4 Raided hundo Legends.

The Regirock on my earlier pic was caught at a raid, but not by me! I got it from a trade.

This means 4 from 996 raids - so that’s an average of 1 hundo from every 249 raids.

In total I have 11 hundo Legendaries but the majority were obtained by means other than raiding.
3 = trades
2 = GBL reward encounters
1 = Weekly Research reward
1 = Giovanni encounter reward (shadow)


24 out of 42,183. The pokedex lists 29, but some are due to evolve. In addition, I could convert 8 shadows into hundos.

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Hosted a Blaziken raid on PokeGenie this morning (would have just duo’ed it, myself, except I saw hundreds of players waiting in line to raid it). This should make for a nice Mega-evolved attacker. :grin:


Male Burmy hundo - which I immediately evolved into a Mothim :grinning:

*Bonus: real-life Wormadam photo snapped by the real-life celery :wink:


Getting a perfect Pokemon is about 1/(16x16x16), or 1/4096 (a 0.02% chance).

Because there are more situations where the IV floor is greater than zero, such as raids, purifying, trading, and weather boost, the chances are slightly better than the average.

If you have caught 70k Pokemon, you will have approximately 17 perfect Pokemon by pure chance. Tell me if your number is correct.

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Take a look in our tables in “Bragging Rights”. There you find our data of Pokémon caught (Table 2) and how many Hundos we have (Table 43). So you can calculate if this percentage is fullfilled in our comunity. :smile:

Done the math.


Below average: @celery @bobbyjack8 (though I doubt the numbers are correct) @vorgriff3 @Jormdeworm @digitaljdl @Branebs @Brobraam

Above average: @NotanotherKangaskhan @jay123 @bagguille (obviously) @Arem1771

Only @bobbyjack8 has the actual 0,02% (even slightly less) but I doubt the information here is correct or there is a huge time gap in between Hundos and total caught which could explain the low % outcome.


Combining bag-cleaning with candy-harvesting by trading as much junk as I can. For many of the mons I have no intention of powering up for use, so having a trade turn Lucky has been briefly joyful, followed by a letdown. Here’s the latest, an event Kirlia that CAN’T be evolved, anyway. (sigh… I’d love to have a perfect, maxed-out Gardevoir.)

Oh, well.


First, thanks @Jormdeworm to do this statistical work.

Well, and excluding me, our average is still six time higher than the calculated by SmasherK.
Any idea why?