[Q&A] How many/which Perfect Pokémon do you have?

My guess is Raids, Eggs, Research, Purifying, Referral Rewards, Breakthrough Box, etc etc all five better IV floors. Another reason may be the amount of Hundos shared was further back in time than the total catch amount or vice versa which caused the Hundo % to be inaccurate.

If we devide the amount of wild Hundos by the amount of wild spawns caught it should be closer, however that is unfortunately immeasurable.

Basically we can conclude almost everybody has around 0,10% Hundo rate with the only exceptions being @bobbyjack8, @bagguille, @Arem1771

For @bobbyjack8 I expect there is a huge time gap between the amount of Hundos caught and the total catches. @bagguille & @Arem1771 % is probably higher for chasing Hundos (as it’s entirely possible to know which one is 100% and which isn’t).

Yeah, and there was also a time when the local groups were very active and shout out loudly when a Hundo had spawned. Sadly this groups are nearly all dead in our days.

And there is still the rumour that some accounts have more luck than others, in shiny and as well in Hundo in Raids, etc

Correct. That’s why I think @Arem1771 for example has a higher percentage. But only @Arem1771 can confirm whether that’s true or incorrect.

I think that mainly seems to go for people who either made a new account or those who haven’t been seen in long, of which none of the people I calculated the data for is part of. But I could be wrong here of course.

You are right. It’s dwindled a fair bit since the pandemic, but the peeps still report sightings on my local Discord.

My info does seem to be a little out of date. I currently have 401 hundos total (298 unique)(I’m going to put it up to 430 as I’ve transferred some repeat hundos to Home if I have the full family already) and I’ve caught 295,973 Pokémon total. That would be a percentage of 0.15%.

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I ran a bunch of stats through the super-computer (pocket calculator) here at celery towers (converted animal shack) and came up with this startling analysis…

I could refine the figures more using info gleaned from various Medals, but I’d never get the actual number - due to Research including tasks which rewarded dust/berries as well as encounters - so I won’t bother.

Consider these conclusions to be close enough


Currently at 658 4* out of 425,238 total so math works out to be .155%

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Blue goo…


Result to all individual or group statistics: Niantic doesn’t use a homogenuous repart of IV, but obviously a bonus for the higher IV.

Clean statistical we would have an .02 of Hundos, but looking the “real” (we are a little potion of the real players), the result seems more near between .10 and .15

4 from Trades with others wild catches over the last 4 weeks.
Finally got my 100% Snorlax after 1120 encounters weather it be Hatch, Raid, Wild Catch or Trade.


I got my first 100% last night after hatching a perfect Machop. I’m a little annoyed because I already have a Machoke that’s halfway to the candy required for a Machamp (Machops don’t spawn near me, so all of mine have been hatchlings), but it’s still cool to see. My previous best IVs had been a 93% Gyarados and a 93% Metapod (lol).

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Ah the joy of evolution and powering up only to get something better later down the track.
That’s why I tend to be slow to evolve things. Especially ones that are not common. I like to have double the Candy before I pull the trigger.

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Currently 309 / 424,901 = 0.000727 = 0.0727%, successfully joined the below average group :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Main has 94 out of 133712, or 0.000713
Alt has 80 out of 98007, or 0.000816

Compared to what was reported here, that’s more fortunate than some players, but less than the average.

Revise my stats to show Main having 95 out of 133718… :slightly_smiling_face:


Looking at the updates I guess the average rate will drop by a lot (because @Arem1771 was the one holding it up and that seems to no longer be the case).

I might make it up to date and then I’ll check the average rate again but I guess it’ll be around 0,9%/0,10%.

It took me 273 tries but I finally got my first Scatterbug hundo :sweat_smile:


Was that from my Gifts, I take it riv is River?

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@NotanotherKangaskhan It is River - as you can see in the photo now it’s been fully evolved - and you and Hatch and Jiffy have definitely contributed heavily to the 15, but the final gift/postcard was from another one of your radiactive-capsule-losing compatriots :australia: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::+1:

**Edit - found the postcard… weirdly, the sender’s name has been replaced by a ? - so I’ll not reveal their name in case they want anonymity.

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