Post Your Latest Catch You’re Happy With

Hi guys. It’s me again. I got a shiny and a Hundo on the same day. I’ve been after Meltan hundo for a long time and after more than 4000 Meltan candies and 3000 Meltan GG candies, I got it


This made me so happy! Catching this pikachu was really the only thing I was looking forward to in pokemon worldchampionships event and I was feeling a bit worried I was going to miss it since I didn’t see a single one in the wild (I thought that’s how you got them…).

After a task (for the battle league) I gained an event pokemon and I had such a huge grin on my face when I saw this lovely one!

It’s a huge plus that it’s my strongest pikachu yet (I have plenty of them - I like collecting pikachus… - but they’re not that great, although I have an angry sailor that’s shiny though).


I had it without loose time. But, i’m a collector of both genders. And you can’t imagime the work for me to find a male of them.
Itr’s now my 64th version of Pokemón different (including the original).,


Oh, interesting. The majority of mine are male, at least from what I happened to keep. Although I also have a lot of female versions.

This little guy also fits so well with the background :sweat_smile:


I checked mine out of curiosity and it’s pretty balanced, females winning by just 1 (6-5 currently, I must have transferred 2 or 3 at most as they are quite rare and I hardly find any in the wild).

I have the exact same of both: 0-0. I need to get back to playing consistently…

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I see so many all the time, but strong ones not so much (mostly no stars really or very disperse values when it’s above 2 stars), so I’m very, very happy to have caught this one!

Even though I have plenty of berries (again, I can’t help catching them, it’s one of my favourite pokemon, and still no shiny…), it will forever stay a Meowth and I’ll make a buddy out of him!

(I also caught a super strong Eevee that I’m not sure wether to evolve it into an Espeon or Glaceon, I don’t have either yet… We’ll see!)


You know there are much more evolutions… be careful

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Great! You can participate in our next Team Rocket Week challenge in which you have the task to make Meowth your best buddy!


So many Eevolutions but only a couple of them are even close to relevance in the game’s meta.


I evolved my best eevee into an Umbreon recently (I had only caught one before - wearing a blue scarf, very cute, but no stars…) because that’s my favourite evolution (apart from the classic trio). I already have a Leafeon that’s pretty good too, so my choice falls on hose two (I just can’t get into Sylveon yet, I don’t know why, so that’s not a priority now).

I wish there was a way I could choose which evolution I get from the trio (without changing nickname gimmick), because I usually just get Flareon after Flareon… I’m desperate for a good Jolteon (I only have one, 0 stars…), but I’d probably just get another Flareon (that’s my favourite, honestly, but I’m good on that front). I have another Eevee that’s also strong and I’ll probably chance that one. The really great one I would like to have more control over the evolution and be something I need/really like!

oh wow, that sounds fun and extremely challenging (for me anyway), I don’t think I even have a great buddy yet, but it definitely is something to work on in the long run. I’ve selected a few pokemon to really start investing time on getting them hearts.

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You can get all of them without the trick of the nickname.
The first three are by luck. But from their on you have the control what will come out.


yes, that’s how I’ve been doing so far (for my favourite Umbreon, the other 1 I caught, and the Leafeon I got through special research, I think, that’s all the special evolutions I have), I just wish it was easier to control the first 3, maybe using a specific stone + kms or something, without feeling like I’m wasting it depending on the outcome (if I had many really strong Eevees this wouldn’t be an issue), but that’s fine overall. I prefer when the only extra thing for them to evolve is make them a buddy for x kms (+ day or night).

I had no idea that to evolve Primeape into an Annihilape I had also to fight a certain number of ghost pokemon. 100 candies seems like a good enough effort to me… I had 2 really great Primeape that now are going to take forever. :upside_down_face:

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You might like these? @Stridian


WOW, I like that very much, that is indeed a glorious collection!
This is the closest I came to a perfect one (so I evolved him into an Umbreon, I really wanted that one!) and I’ve one more that’s similar to this one that I’ve yet to choose what to do with.

To see so many and so good all like that is a collector’s delight!

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Well, this one was a surprise! I don’t care for Popplio (looks a bit too clownish for me), but Primarina? Yes!!! I really want that final evolution, it just looks so great, and I only had 2 or 3 other Popplios, all very weak really, so to get this one and not even on the (soon to be) Community Day? Awesome!

I probably won’t catch a better one, all my community days lately have been kind of a bust, I just hope to get enough candy to evolve it all the way to a Primarina, which I’m very excited about!

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The only thing you have to have is patience. I’mplaying this game now for eight years, and I found a lot of perfect 100% Pokémon.

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I started in 2022 (I tried it when it came out but my phone just couldn’t handle it, so I quit) but then stopped, on and off in 2023 but now I’m more heavily into it. I’m not into raids or battles (apart from grunts or if there’s a special prize I want to get in Battle league), but I like collecting pokemon - completing as much of the pokedex as possible - and having my set of favourites (as great as they can be). The game acts basically as my walking motivator, so the hatching part is a big thing for me, too.

But yeah, patience is definitely key here! I’m really enjoying seeing everyone’s findings, special pokemon, etc. it’s good to see what’s out there! I tend to see pretty much the same creatures in my area, with some surprises now and then, so I’m paying more attention to community days/spotlight hours…

Maybe it could be interesting for you to take a look at this tables, specially the table 48.

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