Event: Noxious Swamp
From August 19 at 10am local time
To August 22 at 8pm local time
New Pokémon debuts:
- Pokémon: -
- Shiny: Shiny Skrelp
- Shadow: -
- Costume: -
- Zubat (S)
- Venonat (S)
- Tentacool (S)
- Dratini (S)
- Surskit (S)
- Gulpin (S)
- Skorupi (S)
- Axew (S)
- Skrelp (S)
- Tyrunt (S)
- Noibat (S)
- 1*: Grimer (S), Alolan Grimer (S), Hisuian Qwilfish, Hisuian Sneasel, Shadow Zubat, Shadow Houndour, Shadow Pidove
- 3*: Galarian Weezing (S), Druddigon (S), Turtonator (S), Shadow Nidoran (female) (S), Shadow Onix, Shadow Sneasel (S)
- 5*: Xerneas (S), Yveltal (S)
- Mega Raids: Mega Salamence (S)
Field Research:
- Catch 3 Poison-type Pokémon —> Grimer (S) / Skrelp (S) / Mareanie
- Battle 2 Team GO Rocket Grunts —> 5x Potion / 3x Great Potion / 2x Revive
- Battle 3 Team GO Rocket Grunts —> 2x Mysterious Component
- Catch 3 Dragon-type Pokémon —> Dratini (S) / Trapinch (S) / Noibat (S)
Special/Timed Research and Collection Challenges:
Timed Research:
Step 1
- Power up Pokémon 15 times —> Skrelp (S)
- Battle in 3 Raids —> Alolan Grimer (S)
- Use 15 supereffective Charged Attacks —> Trapinch (S)
- Win 2 Raids using a team of all unique Pokémon species —> Druddigon (S)
- Win a three-star Raid using only Pokémon with 2,500 CP or less —> Hisuian Qwilfish
Rewards: Jangmo-o, 50x Salamence Mega Energy, 50x Sceptile Mega Energy
Featured Egg pool:
- 2km Eggs: -
- 5km Eggs: -
- 7km Eggs: -
- 10km Eggs: -
- 12km Eggs: -
Featured PokéStop Showcase(s):
- Biggest Skrelp
- Biggest Dragalge
Event Bonuses:
- 2x catch Candy
- Team GO Rocket balloons appear more frequently
- One additional free Raid Pass per day from spinning Gym Photo Discs
Additional information:
- Timed Research will also be available at no cost. This Timed Research includes tasks focused on raiding and will award encounters with Poison- and Dragon-type Pokémon, including Jangmo-o. Please note that Timed Research expires. The Timed Research tasks and their rewards will disappear on Tuesday, August 22, 2023, at 8:00 p.m. local time.
Official event infographic:
What do you think of this event? Share your thoughts and results below!
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I’m all for catching Dragon types especially Jangmo-o. Can never have enough to trade.
The other stuff will just be Candy and dust.
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I need Skrelp in order to unlock 2nd move for Dragalge, hence just hope that I will manage to get few of them.
Apart from this, no other Pokemon are much necessary, as I know that the rarer Kommo-O will have his CD in future, and then only I will bother to include him in my team !!

First post has been updated with additional info. Scroll up or find it here:
Special/Timed Research and Collection Challenges:
Timed Research:
Step 1
- Power up Pokémon 15 times —> Skrelp (S)
- Battle in 3 Raids —> Alolan Grimer (S)
- Use 15 supereffective Charged Attacks —> Trapinch (S)
- Win 2 Raids using a team of all unique Pokémon species —> Druddigon (S)
- Win a three-star Raid using only Pokémon with 2,500 CP or less —> Hisuian Qwilfish
Rewards: Jangmo-o, 50x Salamence Mega Energy, 50x Sceptile Mega Energy
Featured PokéStop Showcase(s):
- Biggest Skrelp
- Biggest Dragalge
Field Research:
- Catch 3 Poison-type Pokémon —> Grimer (S) / Skrelp (S) / Mareanie
- Battle 2 Team GO Rocket Grunts —> 5x Potion / 3x Great Potion / 2x Revive
- Battle 3 Team GO Rocket Grunts —> 2x Mysterious Component
- Catch 3 Dragon-type Pokémon —> Dratini (S) / Trapinch (S) / Noibat (S)
Seems like TGR everywhere around my neighborhood. I wondered why I was still getting only 1 “mysterious component” for beating grunts, thinking it might be yet another bug. Until I realized what I thought was an event bonus was only a field research task reward for battling 3 grunts. 
Since I’m much more into raids than one-on-one battles, I’ll be happy when this event ends, so I can start getting ready for next weekend…
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Though I am mostly weighted towards one-on-one battles, despite that I am also waiting for the event to end, as Mega Rayquaza is in my vicinity !!
I got 2 mysterious components for beating 3 grunts :
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Have not seen any wild Jangmo-o this event.
Not seen a large amount of the feature Pokémon Skrelp either. I had my hopes this would be better than it has been.
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I don’t think there is wild Jangmo-o unfortunately. At least not boosted. Only one Timed Research encounter.
Yes. It is supposed to be 2 of them.
Exactly. At first I had misread it and expected to get 2 of the components for every grunt beaten during the event, though. (i.e. not just once for beating 3 grunts)
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After a busy weekend I started my grindset for this event today. Nothing spectacular has been caught, but that didn’t ruin my interest for this event.
Didn’t find the Dragon spawns to be lacking. They were definitely spawning less, but not too little. That said I prefer the Poison type spawns, as I still need the lot of them. So far I’m still looking for a Shiny Zubat, Gulpin, Venonat and Skrelp, so I prefer to find those. I also need another Surskit, so I’m glad those spawn a lot too. As for the Dragon types, I mostly care about Tyrunt, but the others are welcome spawns as well. They should have boosted Jangmo-o though.
Tier 3 Raids are very interesting, and the double daily Raid Pass bonus makes this even better. Yveltal is my favorite Legendary, so I’ll be trying to snag a few more of those as well with the help of Poké Genie.
One thing I do not enjoy from this event is the Showcases. Having to evolve Skrelp into Dragalge and then find out you’re not in the top 3 is not a fun experience.
Overall this is definitely one of the best events we’ve had this year yet, but I’m not sure if it beats Adventure Week.
Not to forget World Championship Week…
The spawns there were highly usable and performing, rather than Adventure Week’s collection-specific scenario !!

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Last 2 days of the event I intended to try and get the Raid tasks completed but there were no T3’s on the 5 Gyms I can see from home between 5pm and 8pm. In the end I never completed the tasks.
And you know what? I don’t care.
There was a time where it would annoy me but those days are gone. I’m comfortable playing when and how I want not the funnel that Nianshit is trying to push players down repeatedly.
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