Masterball Research

And here it is… after waiting that the 7-day-strike finishes, I could get it.

Is it the second we can get or have I used one and it is the third?

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This is the third possible Master Ball.
I have the first 2 still and once finally done will be my third.


Same here – have saved both of the previous and should get this third soon enough.

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I still have my first Master Ball.

I didn’t get the second one because I really couldn’t be bothered enough to do 60 Raids for one useless Ball.

I’m in no rush for the third. I will get it when I get it.

I have decided I will probably use them
for Hundo Legendary Pokémon if I fail to catch them before the final Ball has to be thrown. It’s the only good use I can see.

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I did 60 useless raids for the Stardust and Rare Candy. The Master Ball was a secondary benefit. After several raids produced zero Rare Candy reward, it helped mitigate my frustration to get a ball that should be very useful even one time.

But always my principal aim in raids was the Stardust.


My error was that after the Masterball was caught, came the Bounsweet Day and I wanted a Tsareena lvl 50 and I inverted a lot of the gained Stardust in this leveling…

Raiding for the Gym XP on non Gold Gyms made it an easy choice to chase the 60 required.

I’m so close to the final portion of the research tasks. Too bad Rocket fights are broken now.

I just did three, and they seemed to be working fine. Give it another try.

I am experiencing freezes when charge moves are done by the rockets whether or not I use shields. Maybe the update fixed it.

That’s not new. I’ve been randomly getting that happening since the last update.
Took me 4 attempts to do 1 rocket last week. What a time wasting process that was.

Yea, i finally beat my 25th Rocket, so now I’m on the last portion. It would be nice to have it for Rayquaza…if I can find groups during the raid period.

What is everyone saving their masterball for?

I’ve used them on the Galarian birds from Daily Incense.


Currently I am keeping them for Hundo Legendaries in case I don’t catch them before the last ball. Not that I’ll ever get a Hundo Legendary, though…


I’m saving mine for those Galarian Birds, although I still haven’t seen any :eyes:

But I would use one in @Jormdeworm ’s instance as well


I save them for… because “you never know what will come”


Saving them for 100% Legendary/Mythical Raids.


Aka “and more” :joy:

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First Reshiram raid I saw on the day it made its game debut was a weather-boosted hundo, and as I still had no sense for how far away it was, half my throws fell short, and the other half failed. :sob: How cool a Master Ball would have been for that! Yeah, you have a good point there, @Jormdeworm .