Lets talk - (anything)

Yes. I decided to go by a different name based off of another one of my original characters.

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I thought so. I did send you some invites to raids last Wednesday. Do you want to be invited again next Wednesday?

I wish I could join you in raids but I just canā€™t afford the remote raid passes anymore.

Iā€™ve been super busy these days. I didnā€™t have time to post my experience on GO Fest, all the new shinies and Pokedex registers. But finally tonight I will be able to post everything.

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Iā€™m back againā€¦ !!!
The summer-flat is reached, from now to september Iā€™m in Denia. If you want to know where it is, take a look to the spanish charts.
A nice little town in the coast, where I go every day about 8 in the morning to the beach. And I run away about 12 oā€™clock when all the tourists come to the beach.
Now Iā€™m at home with my wife and the three cats, and I adore the silence of the afternoon.


Special weather.


Does anyone notice anything strange about my shadow?


:rofl: :thinking: Is it calling you an airhead?

Who knows? Itā€™s possible.

If it is, itā€™s rude, and wrong. But it does look neat.

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Hello everybody, Iā€™m installed again. From now on until october in our flat at the beach, with pool and garden, so the cats can run around and visit their friends in the neighbourhood.


Did anyone get this survey from Niantic by email? I tried to take it, but it says itā€™s closed. What were the questions? If anyone knows, please tell me.

It was about GO Fest and about Niantic. They asked what the good parts of GO Fest were and what was bad, and if we think Niantic does a good job, and if we prefer local GO Fest events over global GO Fest events, and how often we play, etc. Nothing too special but maybe itā€™ll do something.

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Arenā€™t the gyms supposed to give up to 50 coins each day?

I donā€™t really need a survey to tell them they should have kept some of the original mechanics. The new defender bonus rewards stink. I miss getting coins for each day the pokemon are in the gym.

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Unfortunately no, Gyms will only give 50 Coins when one of your Pokemon is knocked from a Gym after having been there for 8 hours and 20 minutes. If all your Pokemon stay in a Gym for the entire day, no 50 Coins will be given.

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I know. It used to not be that way.

On an unrelated note, testing the best way to make safety eyes.

Quick question; do we need to walk in order to have Meltan spawn off the box? Or will they spawn regardless?

I did the mystery box :package: earlierā€¦
No walking necessary - total of 64 meltan spawns in the hour.


The mystery box is quite helpful when you need to catch a large quantity of Pokemon. Of course youā€™re only going to find meltan but still helpful.

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