I need two pokemon

Hi,i need two pokemon from the kanto region to complete it.can anyone help please

Welcome to the site @Reilly49
It might help if you state which 2 you need and where you are? If your lucky someone on here may live close enough to do a Trade.

Apologies – I haven’t enough Stardust for that kind of trade, even if we were within trading range (even if we had best friend status). :cry:

Hi,im from colne in Lancashire. I need Mew2 and Taurus,so of theres any nice people out there near me who wants to trade,please do.thanks guys

Im on the other side of the World.
MewTwo trade is going to be 80K dust I think from memory? Best of luck finding someone willing to part with that much dust and I mean that sincerely not sarcastically.

The Taurus can be found in the wild this moments (I got a shiny not 3 days ago). The Mew2, well, that’s a thematic… there are a lot of people which would like to get one.

I wonder if any have swum across the pond to be seen wandering around Lancashire, though.

:joy: :joy: Nooo, the Tauros is worldwide, what needs a long swimming is the Bouffalant.

Isn’t Tauros the original regional for North America?

Oooops, I’m getting too old… and I’m playing too much time in New York.

But then, there was an investigation where you had to catch the 151 Pokémon from Kanto. How all the Non-american could fulfill it?

Travel or trade, as far as I can tell. Or wait for the rare event that spawns regionals outside of their region.

There’s been 2 events now that I can remember where Taurus was available globally. There will be another at some point.

It still :poop:‘s me big time that they have these Pokemon locked to zones and not make/call them travellers or seasonals having them move/switch zones quarterly/seasonally.
I understand their thinking in wouldn’t it be great to have people travel to catch different Pokemon but that’s so flawed as a vast majority of players are not in a situation where that’s possible due to a multitude of reasons.
This region locking just encourages more players to GPS cheat which they go on banning waves from time to time. They don’t want players doing but they create something that just encourages it.
I’ll just sum it up with this.

Fun fact. This post needed moderator approval.
But since it comes from @NotanotherKangaskhan, I’ll approve it :joy:

We kinda need to change the watched words

Yeah you can get rid of most them if you want to. I kinda hoped there was a feature to ignore watched words for certain users/trust levels but couldn’t find it.

I even had it block my own post stating something about watched words previously :joy: