How was Your Community day

Recover rapid…

I caught only one Hundo, but more than 40 shinies. As allways, the best of them had only little more than an IV of 80. On the other hand I got 3400 candies!!

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Spent the afternoon in children’s ICU across town with a family whose daughter is mysteriously dying. Caught no Bounsweet; but caught some powerful movement of the Spirit on this Pentecost. Prayers for Mariana.


Oh, god bless her, this was infinitely more important than some Bounsweet.


I hatched a 100% Goomy earlier in the week to give me the last of 3 required for the family so there was a lack of excitement for the up and coming CD.
Come the Sunday I’d forgotten it was even on. Had that oh crap moment when I was out and about and stopped for a bite and coffee and noticed the spawns appear at 14:00.
Managed to get 10min while I had my coffee then 45min at the end after I’d taken care of commitments I’d made.
The Euro map only had 1x 100% appear in that last 45min and that was not in a reachable location.
Caught around 130
No 100%
5 Shiny

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I got 10 100% (one of them a shiny), and enough candies to push one of them to lvl 50.

Don’t know how many catches I’ve done, the Pokedex says 166, but there are some counts before this day.

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(Again, let the record show I’m doing this without Euro map, etc.)

14 shinies
No 100% :pensive:
One 98%
200,000 stardust (triple stardust is nice)
535 Goomy candy XL (I also like this bonus!)
Some decent PvP Goodras

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I scraped up a dozen shinies and a few dozen regulars and evolved the 2 best from each of those piles. Not the worst CD so far for me, but not worth a detailed blow-by-blow, nor final Box Score…

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I have not been playing Community Day hard enough until this Goomy one, at least it is pseudo legendary of Gen VI, got 24 shiny after 3 full hours of playing, evolve one regular to have Goodra with exclusive move Thunder Punch for the Great League

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Put in a half a$$ed effort yesterday. Already had one 100% Tynamo so was only really interested in getting 2x more. Played from 2:30 to 4:30 chasing the wanted 100% on the Map while letting the GoPlus do 98% of the catching.
It rain on and off all day which is not an issue when you’re playing in the car.
All up got what I wanted.
Only 116 Caught
3x 100%
7 Shiny

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didn’t participate and won’t whether it’s community day or raids until they fix gbl and maintain it regularly.

I got the Hundos of both genders, and got enough candy to evolve them twice.
The same with two shinies of both gender and the evolutions.

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Playing Pokemon GO during Community Day in Greece was challenging. It was very hot so I tried to play in the shade whenever I could. There is actually a decent number of Poke stops and Gyms in the place where I was spending my vacation and they are pretty scattered so I had to walk a lot. I used incense, bought the special research, tried to take snapshots, but I could only take 2 because it was too hot for my camera to work properly, I also won 2 showcases. I was lucky to find 5 shinies and 1 more shiny that I didn’t expect. While I was playing CD, I saw an Unown raid. Since the beginning of that event, I hadn’t been able to chase Unown raids so that was my first one. It was Unown T and I got shiny! :star_struck: That was my first shiny Unown that I caught (the other one I got from the trade) and on the first raid! :four_leaf_clover: After the main part of the CD, I did an Eelektrik raid with my alt. I evolved 7 Eelektross with Volt Switch and got 1 from the special research. It was hard to play on such a hot day, but in the end I was happy with the results.


Had work all weekend.
Had little to no interest in the featured mon.
Hadn’t marked the calendar.
Unsurprising that I did none of the event under those circumstances.


Really would have preferred CD to be on the Saturday so I could go for a drive and play over 100km from home as I have no distance trading Pokémon left atm.
Instead I played in the Suburbs around home and chased 100% using the Map (not scanned in 100km+ towns I play at sometimes)
Used the GoPlus and Gotcha to catch inbetween driving to the 100% spawns as you can never have enough Meteor Mash Metagross in the arsenal.
It was still a very productive day with around 220 caught and some nice big 700-900 CP 100% that were evolved on the day to get Meteor Mash.
Stat Summary
220 Catches
10x Shiny
8x 100%

Non of the Metagross have been Powered Up, they are CP as Evolved from Beldum.


Well, my Popplio Community Day was awesome! I commented before how these days tend to be a bust for me, but I was thinking of spotlight hours (big ups here!), really…

Anyway, I had caught a very good Popplio recently so my main goal was to get enough candy to evolve it into a Primarina, that’s the evolution that I really wanted. I didn’t care much for popplio before, its style just didn’t appeal me, but guess what? The pokemon captivated me! What I only saw as clownish, became playful after today…

I realised soon enough I was going to manage enough berries, so I started hoping for a shiny and the funniest thing happened. I wasn’t even 20 min into walking when I found a shiny and caught it, thinking, this is it, the day is a success!

I took a few more steps, another popplio pops up, and it’s another shiny! I actually got nervous catching it, because now I could have a shiny Primarina, which I managed to do. :smile: (this was beyond my expectations)

A few more steps, another popplio… and it’s the 3rd shiny in a row! I couldn’t believe it!

I had only 12 shinies before this event, and now I managed to get the complete Popplio family. In total I caught 8 shinies, which is a first for me.

I got 4 Primarinas out of the day, my best one is set as my buddy and the others (except for the shiny, 2 struggling stars) are all pretty strong too.

I’m really happy about today, I got everything I wanted (and more!) and had a blast.


Wasn’t anywhere near as excited about this CD as much as I was about Beldum return as the evolution has no Meta relevance. I already had an un-evolved 100% so main interest was getting two more to complete the Family. Cut my work day short by 3hrs at great cost to the hip pocket to play.
Did the usual drive around chasing 100%ers as they appeared on the Map letting the GoPlus and Gotcha’s doing the bulk of the heavy lifting collecting the Candy.
Shiny result was very disappointing tbh and well short of the catch rate odds. Good thing I have massive apathy for Shiny or I’d be very salty.
Stat Summary
2hrs 45min play time
201 caught
6x 100%
2x Shiny, how pathetic was that 1/100

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I completely missed community day.
Not to worry, my day still was amazing :smile:


My only interest in the Pony CD was to get the 2x 100% Unicorn to complete the Family of Forms. Don’t get me wrong I’m happy they have held this CD but I wasn’t invested in collecting as many Candy as possible as I can’t see myself powering any up to L50. Got my 100% needed plus extra then called it a day after 90min
Almost 1/2 as many caught as Pop CD day and got more than double the amount of Shiny.
Didn’t get 2x Shiny Unicorns for evolution but the one I did get was a Shundo.
134 Caught
4x 100% including 1x Shundo
5x Shiny (3x Normal, 1x Galarian)


Will have to sit this one out, but was never a big fan of the ponies.

Rapidash is one of my favourites, but I had a lot more fun during popplio community day than this one, mainly due to the weather. It was just too hot to walk even at 3pm, and I really love the walking aspect and “adventuring” to find pokemon and it just wasn’t working for me due to heat. I really wish they’d extend the hours so people could at least enjoy it more when it’s cooler… (just as a comparison, I must’ve walked around 6/7 km for popplio and today I couldn’t even manage 3…)

On the 1s attempt, I got 2 kanto shinies, but overall felt a bit disappointed as I couldn’t get a ponyta that was stronger than my actual rapidash (2 stars) and I was hoping to find a future best buddy here. Ultimately, I decided to call it a day after finally getting a Galarian shiny (and again it was too HOT) as I had someplace to be around 4pm and maybe in a different area I’d have better luck.

Fortunately for me, and 15 mins before the end, I managed to find 2 field research with event pokemon from the new pokestops (in my area all I got were berries and pokeballs…) and got 2 shiny ponytas, kanto and galarian, that were actually very good! My luck had changed for the better!

Until then all I was finding was below average ponytas. I don’t mind when it’s shinies, but one of my hopes was to get a really good (non-shiny) kanto ponyta that I could evolve and it just didn’t happen. I wasn’t too worried about finding a great galarian one, as it’s currently in the egg pool and I seem to have better chances there.

My best is still this one I got from Triumph Together, that I’ll probably evolve now:

Those special researches definitely saved the day for me, as they were not only shinies, but the best ponytas I found today! (2 great shinies out of 9)

(I do tend to ramble —)