How was Your Community day

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I caught only one Hundo, but more than 40 shinies. As allways, the best of them had only little more than an IV of 80. On the other hand I got 3400 candies!!

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Spent the afternoon in children’s ICU across town with a family whose daughter is mysteriously dying. Caught no Bounsweet; but caught some powerful movement of the Spirit on this Pentecost. Prayers for Mariana.


Oh, god bless her, this was infinitely more important than some Bounsweet.


I hatched a 100% Goomy earlier in the week to give me the last of 3 required for the family so there was a lack of excitement for the up and coming CD.
Come the Sunday I’d forgotten it was even on. Had that oh crap moment when I was out and about and stopped for a bite and coffee and noticed the spawns appear at 14:00.
Managed to get 10min while I had my coffee then 45min at the end after I’d taken care of commitments I’d made.
The Euro map only had 1x 100% appear in that last 45min and that was not in a reachable location.
Caught around 130
No 100%
5 Shiny

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I got 10 100% (one of them a shiny), and enough candies to push one of them to lvl 50.

Don’t know how many catches I’ve done, the Pokedex says 166, but there are some counts before this day.

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(Again, let the record show I’m doing this without Euro map, etc.)

14 shinies
No 100% :pensive:
One 98%
200,000 stardust (triple stardust is nice)
535 Goomy candy XL (I also like this bonus!)
Some decent PvP Goodras

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I scraped up a dozen shinies and a few dozen regulars and evolved the 2 best from each of those piles. Not the worst CD so far for me, but not worth a detailed blow-by-blow, nor final Box Score…

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I have not been playing Community Day hard enough until this Goomy one, at least it is pseudo legendary of Gen VI, got 24 shiny after 3 full hours of playing, evolve one regular to have Goodra with exclusive move Thunder Punch for the Great League

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Put in a half a$$ed effort yesterday. Already had one 100% Tynamo so was only really interested in getting 2x more. Played from 2:30 to 4:30 chasing the wanted 100% on the Map while letting the GoPlus do 98% of the catching.
It rain on and off all day which is not an issue when you’re playing in the car.
All up got what I wanted.
Only 116 Caught
3x 100%
7 Shiny

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didn’t participate and won’t whether it’s community day or raids until they fix gbl and maintain it regularly.

I got the Hundos of both genders, and got enough candy to evolve them twice.
The same with two shinies of both gender and the evolutions.

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