How was Your Community day

After (a crazy) Day 1:
Many candies obtained and XLs gained. Also many shinies were caught. One Hundo was obtained, you will see it posted real soon…

Day 1 was a veritable shiny-fest here, too, @bagguille . My alt tried a different approach this time, racing through, clicking on everything I could see, and running away for anything not shiny… and it wound up getting 29!! My main plodded along in the usual way, with a GoPlus trying to catch every mon and spin every stop; it got shiny Togetic, Mareep, Noibat, Galarian Slowpoke, and Swinub.

Alt’s shiny bonanza had a drawback, in that the amount of stardust was greatly reduced, and none of the featured mons got enough candy to evolve effectively. (The IV is usually lousy for shiny AND for CD feature mons, so getting a good evolve was not a realistic hope, anyway.)

Hoping today goes well; but I have a couple of obligatory things in the real world that will limit my CD to the last hour.

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Euro Map still not back up running yet so it was off for a Drive 200km+ from home to spend an afternoon of catching owls.

284 Owls
16 Shiny
No 100%
Evolved 3rd best Shiny
Didn’t already have the 100% despite lots traded from day one of its release.
Hopefully I can get that 100% from the other 3 accts. I’m due for a 100% from Trade as I’m now on my 3rd long streak of >800 before gett one.

My result exactly contrary…
6 Hundos to make the complete family, and enough shinies to have as well a family, but in this case no Hundo.
And I made enough XXL-Candies to push at least one Hundo to lvl 50.

And here the shinies:


My results


Any particular reason for evolving that many?

I always evolve all my best Pokemon on Community Day to get the exclusive move.

I only evolve to get the complete family

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Hey, every player is free to decide how many to keep, evolve, transfer, or trade, to suit themselves. And we’re free to defend our own criteria for making those choices, although it gets obnoxious to ridicule the choices of others. (But we ARE free to wonder why, or to ask how a particular choice meets criteria that the chooser specifies…)

Is the Decidueye with CP 38 really one of your best?

It is one of the better ones. I didn’t find a hundo so I decided to evolve that one.
My logic for evolving that many is this: Frenzy Plant is the best move for the starters, I used almost all the candy I had (left around 130 in case I get a hundo), if there are better moves in the future I can always use TMs. Also Decidueye is relatively new Pokemon, I only had 1 in my storage and I was collecting good-IV Rowlet to evolve them during CD.

I have most definitely conpletely misser the rowlet community day. Bummer, Decidueye had an awesome shiny

Never seen so many shinies in so short time. I found after this time 50 Shiny Rowlets in my storage.


0 Porygon caught
0 mins able to play
I’m a bit down about it as I could have done with the XL Candy to maybe make me do something with my 100% Shadow Porygon.


Well, 34 shinies, the best with an IV of 84, but apart 4 Hundos.

And as an extra I got a shiny Thundurus.

So, in complete a satifactory Comunity Day.


Tried the shiny-check-everything strategy (checking every spawn I could see and only trying to catch if shiny or over 90 IV). Results in the 28 minutes I was able to play: 5 shinies. with 3 decent regulars (best 93iv).

I hed already played a full Porygon CD a few years ago, though, so I was basically playing with house money, as the saying goes.

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28 minutes 5 → 90 minutes 15

No problem

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Made decent bank
200+ Candy
17 Candy XL
No Shinies
1 93%

Got it trading with my friend afterward!


Chansey seemed more willing to be captured during the Community Day than usual. I was surprised that the Go Plus caught more than a few. But the IV was about what I expected for a CD and for Chansey – pretty much :poop:. (Hard not to envy that hundo, @Liono1001.)

Got a dozen shiny and a bunch of trade fodder. And although the weather was awful (cold rain with strong, gusty wind), the event was a fun break from recycled raid bosses, and I harvested over 300 Chansey candy…

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It was a stinking hot day (40C degrees)
Didn’t try very hard letting the Go Plus do the work and only caught 180ish driving around from one shade spot to another. Wasted time plotting where to drive to next.
7x Shiny
3x 100%