How was Your Community day

Was looking forward to this one to hopefully get my first 100% for this family.
While I failed to catch a 100% it was one of my best CD’s for a long time. Got my highest number of Shiny in I can’t remember when/if I’ve caught more. My acct missed the 100% that 2 of the family accts got.
It was refreshing to not be plagued with game connection issues. No freeze ups, crashes or wasted time trying to log back in.
Around 360 caught
No 100% on mine.
16 Shiny

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Was not much interested in this CD, as I don’t like Conkeldurr, though I played for some time so that at least I have a viable species.

Therefore I made one for GL, and one for UL…

I was having an ambitious plan to build one for ML as well, and I did managed to find a 14-15-14 Timburr, but I ran out of Pinap Berries and Pokeballs. And without having easily accessible Pokestop, there was no hope for me to continue, hence I transferred away that 14-15-14 Timburr, to release the burden of it…

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After sorting through my Timburr haul, I noticed I already had a Shundo from last year. I evolved it, knowing it wouldn’t get the special move so long after CD ended. But my Elite Charge TM only offers Stone Edge or Counter. Is Brutal Swing not going to be available even as a Legacy Move?

It should be available after sometime, or maybe after the next update.

It’ll probably be before something, or after it.

Or in the middle of something else. :laughing:


For 2.75 hours…
1000+ candies
171 xls
1 shiny


Did pretty decent. 30 minutes, 5 shinies and enough xl candy to level my conkeldurr to level 47

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Timburr CD was great. I used incense, mega evolved Medicham, won 1 showcase. It was raining, so it was difficult to play, I had to wipe the screen on my phone all the time and to look for cover from the rain. I got 4 shinies, but it was good because I already had 2 shiny Timburr and one of the shinies I got this time was almost a shundo (15-14-15)! :star_struck: Also, I finally evolved my hundo Timburr that I saved for this CD! :partying_face: In the end, I evolved 6 Conkeldurr with Brutal Swing and I got 1 from the special research.


Totally different style of game play during this CD. Normally I like to go for a 2hr drive and play 200km from home so I have stuff for XL Candy Trading.
Couldn’t do that today as I needed to somewhere at 5:00 to pick little Miss Kanga up. Stayed local and instead of trying to catch as many as possible I used my new friend (Euro Map) and chased down 100% IV. Got 2 Paladea Woopers in the first 45min after wasting time on a couple that were in unobtainable spots when I got there. The second one was a Shiny so I chased down another. Drive around with brief stops at known clusters around Pokestops/Gyms.
Chased down another big CP 100%
All up it was a good day.
160 caught
4x 100% Paladea including a Shiny
5x Paladea Shiny
3x normal Shiny
Just got another 100% from field research.


Squirtle showcase?! :thinking:

Wooper has undergone another transformation!


Something about Showcases not being about to handle 2 types of Wooper and the size variants in the 2.
Don’t know exact specifics on sizes but Growlith managed the 2???

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Growlithe didn’t either, it was completely broken. I guess they couldn’t figure out the issue and just got rid of the Pumpkaboo and Wooper Showcases, but I do not understand why they replaced it with Squirle. Not that I’m complaining though, because I still have all my XXL Squirtles that have won Showcases several times now.

Decent CD. Went to the same shopping center where I do most of my CDs now, with its 9 stops and 2 gyms, around 3pm. Made one relaxed lap around the lot (about 1km), catching a few dozen Woopers of both kinds and a couple of shinies of both kinds. One 4-star raid afterward with a few extra Wooper spawns from that win. Not the most prolific haul, but not a particularly important pokemon. I would rather have skipped this and had the full event for Mega Garchomp; but I’ll be on duty for that whole event. :cry:

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The weather was terrible. Regardless, I went outside for 15 minutes to find some shinies. I found about 5; three Johto and two paldean wooper iirc

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For 2 hours of (no incense) playtime
187 candies gained
46 xls gained
One shiny gained

Pika-Pics will be back on December 17th!

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Didn’t realise it was a retro CD Saturday until I left work at 16:30.
0 Caught, the rest follows from there.

Weeks out I had grand plans for this CD spending both days chasing all the 100’s I needed to complete off the Family lines using the Map.
When the dates were announced some of that excitement dwindled as I have family commitments and won’t be able to play any of the Sunday at all.
Well at least I still had Saturday even after sacrificing significant $ by not working the full day to play from 12 onwards.
Finished work and booted up the Map.
Noooooooooooo the Map was down so no chasing 100’s straight away. Ended up just driving around stopping here and there. Took a few Gyms while checking to see if the Map was up and ruining at various stages but sadly not.
Got 6 underwhelming shiny no 100’s.
To top it off I stopped to have dinner at a Thai Restaurant on the way back home and my meal was just as unexciting as my CD.
I guess now Trade fails are to be expected.


Sorry to hear. Your CD did not deliver on its satisfaction potential today; it did not even come close to delivering. Family stuff can have a differernt sort of satisfaction to it, though; and I hope your plans for tomorrow wind up delivering on that potential much better than today’s CD did on its potential.

It was raining shinies…
3 Swinub, 5 Chespin, 4 Togetic, 3 Slowpoke, 2 Noibat and 3 Slowpoke Galarian

And all this running around in an area of 500m.

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