How was Your Community day

Could I have a hint about what the #10 and #17 designations mean? Are those types or rankings?

Those are PvP rankings, as per the IV distributions.

See these :

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आपका भी धन्यवाद !!

What even is this? :joy: German, but with Spanish punctuation

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Keine Idee, sieht ein bisschen wie Deutsch aus aber auch wie Spanish :thinking:

Maybe because @bagguille speaks both? :joy:

It’s german, and completely correct in this doublepoints in the o, but spanish because of the first aclamation ¡ which is not used in german.


Pour poursuivre le thème, je suis actuellement en France :fr: :grinning:


Last German lesson was 42 years ago, which fades many details in my recall… thought I’d hedge my bets with the inverted excl. Should have known I’d get something wrong in some obvious and embarrassing way. :roll_eyes:

Nothing embarrassing here… I thought allways it’s more important that people understand, than grammatical details.




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For 2 hours of work:
400+ Charmander Candy
143 XL’s
4 shinies

Some of the starters were not amused to see Charmander photobombing their photos.

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Grubbin CD was great! I used incense, 1 lucky egg, mega evolved Pinsir, I didn’t have to use magnetic lure module because some dude appeared in my town and put the lure on a Poke stop. I bought the special research, took 5 snapshots in the park, won 2 showcases. Because the weather was cloudy and the rain was coming, I only played for 2 and a half hours, so I didn’t do any Charjabug raids. But it doesn’t matter because I did everything that I wanted. I got 9 shinies, evolved 12 Vikavolt with Volt Switch and got 1 from the special research.


For 3 hours…
400 candy obtained
3 good iv Grubbins
2 good iv non shiny
1 shiny

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The day was very tough for us, due severe thunderstorm, the entire city got flooded, we were lucky that there was no water logging here as we are surrounded by forests…
:evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree:

It was raining heavily in afternoon, so all Grubbins were weather-boosted, and I mega evolved Beedrill.

  • Played on-and-off for 135 minutes.
  • Caught Pokemon as per the calculations I made specifically.
  • Only 1 shiny, and that too from Snapshot. I felt the shiny rate to be low this CD…
  • Targeted GL and UL specific species.

  • High Ranked Charjabug for GL :

  • Just for shiny Vikavolt for GL :

  • A 15/15/14 Vikavolt for UL :

I should consider myself fortunate that we went to city area, because which I was able to plug in a module at Traffic Signal, otherwise I should have waited for December’s All-in-one CD to get Volt Switch on Vikavolt.

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That was today? Guess I missed it; I was too busy to notice.

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One hour play… 21 shinies, 4 Hundos non-shiny made my Vikavolts

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CD was a mixed bag for me.
Booked accommodation for 2 days 200+km from home where I’ve played quite a few CD’s for XL Candy Trading. Had some issues checking in Friday night (long story, fault with accomodation)
Spent the morning catching random Trade rubbish in two of the towns 15min drive apart. Drove to the next town where I intended to play my CD.
Got to the first Gym 2km out of the town hoping to make some progress but half of my play screen map was missing. Restart game and it took forever to load up. Couldn’t engage Gym. Clicking on spawn was unresponsive. Alt devices had the same issue. Ph reception was ok and normal for area. Decided to move on to town Center to see if things improved as there was 20min before CD started.
Things did not improve. Tried shutting down ph and restarting. CD had started and I was messing around trying to get game going. Had non stop problems with:
Lack of spawns appearing
Freeze ups
Slow restarts including authentication errors
One account could not get back into game.
After 50min I cracked the ***** and decided to drive back to the middle town. Once there everything played normal as it should without issue on all devices.
Got 2hrs of normal game play.
13 Shiny
No 100%
No IV better than 89%
Didn’t bother to evolve any.
Was very annoyed at not getting more for Trading due to the wasted hour in the Bermuda Triangle.

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I could only play during the last three minutes. luckily I was able to find and capture one shiny before the event ended