How was Your Community day

Yes sir.

One can easily prove your point by comparing Wing Attack variant with Air Slash variation.

Analysis entirely dependent upon against whom we are going to play. I made my analysis according to Ultra League, and when both Poliwrath were facing each other.

Now I made analysis of Poliwrath variation, considering Counter + Ice Punch/Scald as ideal situation. Now you can clearly see the difference :

:grin: :grin: :grin:

Sir, I hope the aforementioned screenshot provides you exact valuation…
According to me, Politoed with Ice Beam is definitely a trap !!


Thanks for the info; quite impressive. Way too much work for me, though. My whole point with PoGO is to play a little in a life otherwise filled with work. And if I manage to get in a little walking (provided circumstances and current conditions are conducive to walking), it’s a nice bonus.

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I also possess similar motive with the game.

I also play the game a little bit. And I am not interested in walking too much in order to power up certain Pokemon or get their mega energy, nor there are any stops/gyms nearby which might be of some use, hence I don’t bother to walk !!

You won’t believe that I had won only 18 Legendary Raids and overall 37 raids, and that too because of PokeGenie, despite the fact that I am at level 38.

I like battles. Because I was first introduced to Pokemon with this concept only, as MSG are based around catching Pokemon and becoming Champion, hence it was natural for me to pick up battles in Pokemon GO as well.

I like making strategies, as you also know that I lack all the proper resources which are important for this game, hence it is important for me to make viable use of my limited resources !!



And may you prosper in that pursuit. :+1:

I’ll mostly stick to raids, and mostly Legendaries.


Thank you sir !!

But more than this, I need to prosper in my studies !!
:sweat_smile: :grin:

Froakie CD fell short for me.
After playing for 2 hours before the CD started walking 2 Routes game play was very was good and smooth.
Come CD for the first hour the game was slow and lagging, The death circle seemed like it was alway on my screen. It was not enjoyable.
I was doing a Route at the same time and when I got near the end and didn’t have the Cell appear I shut down the app and tried to restart it to get my Cell because of their bugged game. Got locked out with an authentication error. 20mins was wasted before I could get back in.
280 Approx caught
0 100% (no surprise)
8 Shiny
Already had a 100% and the XL’s. Evolved it to get the CD move.

3 Hours Played
2 Shinies Caught
1 Evolved for Hydro Cannon
no Hundo
Very middling, can’t wait for December

Player for 1 Hour, 15 minutes.

  • 45 caught, 42 tranferred
  • 15 Shiny, transferred 13
  • 3 Evolved, 1 Traded
  • The best of the lot which I will use:

It was good overall, though lack of 20 XL candies forced me to transfer out #3 Greninja for UL, and I was made to feel satisfied by this.

:smile: :smile:


Finally have time to post about my community day. It was great. I used incense and star pieces all the time. I mega evolved my hundo Swampert and caught as many Froakie as I could. And I bought the special research as I always do. My results: 8 shinies, 18 Greninja with Hydro Cannon, 1 hundo Froakie from a field research task, won 2 showcases.

Charmander Community Day Classic was great! I like Charmander, so I was happy to see it again on CD and I also wanted to get a hundo or a shundo this time. I bought the special research, used incense and star pieces all the time, mega evolved Charizard Y, did as many field research tasks as I could and caught and checked many Charmander. Here are my results: 11 shinies, 2 98% IV Charmander, 1 0% IV, 3 XXL (one of them was shiny), 3 XXS, won 2 showcases, evolved I don’t know how many Charizard.

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I, as usual, did not have the time to play community day on a Saturday. But I did have a great day :smiley:

I predicted this charmander community day 5 years before it happened :wink:
That’s the European fortune teller

HA, we have a Mage in between our members, a fortune-teller… :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Only got 15min to catch some as I work a 12hr Shift on Saturday’s for good $. Most importantly I got to evolve this beast giving it 2 CD moves. This will be one of my most damaging Fire PVE Pokémon one I Trade for more XL’s and decided I want to be below 10m Dust again.
It will be my 3rd L50 Charizard to.


Didn’t bother.


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Only really played for the Master Ball Research. Believe I did end up getting about 17 Shiny in little more than an hour. Hopefully the Professor likes them.

Found it strange there was no Showcase for Charmander with its CD. Not that I was overly concerned as it’s been more buggy than Routes for me with the multitude of ones I’ve not been able to enter as the game brings up non location Showcases instead a lot.

I saw a bunch of them. Did forget to switch to my XXL ones in the end though :man_facepalming:

My Community Day was surprising. I had chased Kartana raids around town and had merrily finished one more, when suddenly I was surrounded by Charmander. I’d totally forgotten. I caught 30 or so, including 2 :poop:-IV shinies. Put a charmander and a charizard into showcases, and called it a day. I hadn’t planned to play it anyway.

I already have elite move Charizard for UL, so it was not of much interest to me and also that I don’t Charizard in battles. So only took 5 Snapshots !!

But surprisingly I found a #10 Charizard for GL yesterday. This gave me bittersweet feeling. Before the announcement of this CDC, I found a #17 Charizard for GL in wild, and ended up using ETM to teach Blast Burn. But yesterday I found an even better one. So it seems I wasted up one of my ETM this time !!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: