How was Your Community day

I began clicking anything only to take forever to find the first Shiny (it literally took longer to find one this Community Day than it took full odds :man_facepalming: (although Noibat was one of the four PokĆ©mon that I somehow happened to get in shiny without having to click countless of regularsā€¦)) and that was already the point where I lost interest, didnā€™t give up though and ended with 14-ish shinies. The 2pm - 5pm window is just crap and doesnā€™t really motivate me, especially not if they just keep picking PokĆ©mon that already have their shinies out for a while for Community Days.

The best part of this Community Day is I finally got my revenge on all the dusted Kecleon because yesterday one spun away with the stop (pretty sure that is a bug, but it was hilarious for sure) and got to catch it as well. And I also managed to hit 10M dust.

Amen! More than being rushed by the short time window, but also doesnā€™t give much chance to fit around work obligations. And if the RNG is screwing you on the shinies, thereā€™s not much time for it to regress to the norm and spit out a few.

The 6-hour CD was certainly an acquired taste for me; but after a couple of them, I came to like them better than this ā€˜classicā€™ format. Hereā€™s for more flexibility in the game and less frantic play.


Hereā€™s an out there concept for Community Days.
The CD runs for 6hrs but you can only play for 3hrs.
That 3hrs can be used any time in the 6hr window. Some sort of ticket-timer. Now to really give options that ticket-timer is 1 3hr block or you could have 3x 1hr ticket-timers to use anywhere in that 6hr window. All ticket-timers will end at the end of the CD window regardless if they still had time on them.
You can choose the hours you play.


Sounds like a fair and flexible framework. Also sounds like a major challenge to manage authentication and coordination, with such a large number of users spanning the globe.

Yes it would be massive to coordinate and make work.
Current road blocks would be what does anyone that plays the first 3 hours do/catch for the last 3 hours if the chose to play all day.
Not wanting to help the Billionaires make more money but maybe it could be first 3 hours free and the second 3 hours paid. If people want to catch CDmon for the whole 6 hours they have to pay for the extra.
What happens with Lures on Pokestops?
Can you have spawns not catchable if your 3 hours are already up?
Maybe they could create a CD Incense that spawns multiple PokƩmon at a quicker rate than regular Incense.

For this Community Day I completely changed my usual play style and decided to go all in on catching and collecting XP, and also didnā€™t make the same walk I usually do but went slightly different this time and maybe Iā€™ll go for this round more often in the future. I drained my entire PokĆ©Ball collection and got roughly 2.5 million XP which is usually what I get in three months so I was quite happy with that. Felt like I wasnā€™t really getting any shinies this time but it turned out I happened to find 33 in the end which is a lot more than I thought Iā€™d end up with.

This was an amazing Community Day! :smiley::+1:
Exceptā€¦ I forgot about the evolution requirement againā€¦ :man_facepalming: at least Iā€™m pretty sure I donā€™t need to have a Galarian Slowbro and Slowking with Surf.


Weeell, lesser shinies, but more millions, so Iā€™m happy.

Never seen so much PokĆ©mon around me. I was walking all time, but I had no chance to catch all Slowpoke Iā€™ve seen.


No 100%ā€™s. Got some Shinys.
Wasnā€™t really invested in it to be honest.

I only got one Shiny Galarian form. No one reported any hundos of the Galarian variant until the very end, so there was no chance to get them. Oh well. I already had the hundos for the Kantonian variants, and even got the last shiny I needed for those formes as well.

Preety great event. I only got one shiny Kantonian one that I evolved into Slowking. I got 526 regular candies and 66 xls.

Just another grind fest for this one. Caught a few shinies but transferred all but one to Pokemon Home. One shiny I evolved. Got over 1000 regular candies and 138 XLs.

Thought Iā€™d get to play from 2 to about 2:15. Wound up not getting time to even start the game at all until after 7. So another CD missed. For the benefit of nobody, as far as I can tellā€¦

If dividing by zero still yields infinity, though, then my shiny rate was infinite (zero for zero) :sunglasses:.

I was really looking forward to this one.
Had plans to drive 200km away to play in a country town Iā€™ve played a few CDā€™s for the XL Candy when trading. Went to work Saturday for a 4am to 4pm shift. Got out of work, turned the game on before driving out the gate and thought why is there Togetic everywhere? Then it dawned on me I had got the days wrong for the CD. Never caught a single one as I had family commitments straight after work and couldnā€™t be bothered changing the GoPlus setting to PokĆ©mon.

This was a good CD. The weather was sunny so all the Fennekin were weather boosted. I used an incense, several star pieces, a lure module and I did the special research. I got 8 shinies and one of them had 3 stars so I evolved it into Delphox. I evolved 11 Delphox with Blast Burn plus the one I got from the special research. I did one Tapu Fini Raid in person, but since I didnā€™t have other players with me I invited players from Discord. After the first part of the CD, I did one Braixen raid and went home. But then I saw that someone was raiding in a gym in the distance and I got an invite from an old player who randomly decided to return to the game. But I didnā€™t want to go back and I didnā€™t want to use a remote raid pass. He should have messaged me on Discord or he should have been there earlier when I was next to the lured Poke stop. It would be nice if more players returned to the game because itā€™s becoming nearly impossible for me to do in-person 5 star raids and the elite raids are totally impossible. It feels like back in the day when this game was 2 or 3 years old when I wrote to Niantic about Lucky Raid Passes, Iā€™m in the same situation now.
P.S. Why are 90% of Fennekin male when the whole Fennekin family looks feminine?

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I played for 1 to 1.25 hours, just by sitting in my room as temperature outside was 46 degree Celsius, hence only dry leaves were walking on the road :joy:

I caught around 43 Fennekin, transferred 41 of it and evolved 2 of them.

Out of 43, 17 were 3*.
Total shiny species were 9, kept one with me.

Made the full fire set for this one, with Mystical Fire and Blast Burn :

I will trade away that Shiny Delphox to my friend next month, when I will visit him then. Though I am 100% sure that he will give me those 100-200 CP bad Pokemon which spawns daily !

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I made about 2500 candies and 400 Candies XL, about 40 shinies.
No shiniy with special IV, but a normal female Hundo, and a Nundo.


Finally got to go for a trip >100km away for a CD. Itā€™s been awhile since things worked out to do that.
241 Caught
12 Shiny which is my best Shiny result from a CD.
No 100% but did evolve the one Iā€™ve been hanging on to.
Hopefully an alt will give give me the 100% I need to complete the family.
Best thing about the CD was I got to have my favourite Pizza for lunch and dinner. At over 200km from home itā€™s a bit difficult to get one when ever I feel like.


Got 1300 candies & 146 xls, plus six shinies and one 96%. Not a time. Litten cd when?

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Did an XXL and XXS check the other day to see how many I got from the CD. 1 XXS out of 240. Feels like I was short changed.

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Was looking forward to Axew CD but also not confident it would be a smooth issue free day and how right I was.
Think I only got a 45min patch where the game played smoothly. Problems started before the CD with the GoPlus failing to pair easily for my >100km trade collections. Come CD start and the game was very laggy going from click on PokĆ©mon to catch screen. Itā€™s like everything was on slow-mo. Spinning death circle seemed to be a permanent feature. Spawns off lured stops were taking forever to appear. General spawning frequency seemed a long time. Game freezes and crash outs were happening. It was a complete :poop:show and not all that enjoyable. In the last hour I lost 15min trying to restart the game after a crash.
347 Caught
15 Shiny
0 100% IV
2x 96% Best IV
No idea of best Shiny IV
Never bothered to evolve any as no 100% so not important.
Did 4 Raids after CD that gave up garbage IV of course.
Only good thing is Iā€™ve got a heap >100km on the kids accts for Trading to hopefully get that 100%.
As expected Nianshit couldnā€™t get it right for something desirable.