How was Your Community day

Sunday: I played for 40 mins in a vehicle parked near a cluster of stops and spawns - due to the heavy rain and freezing temperatures. Got 3 repeat worthless shinies…
Then zoomed home and watched the World Cup Final :argentina:. No regrets.

Niantic stiffed UK, Ireland, Portugal and all others in GMT zone by scheduling their event directly opposite a much larger event. Boo :unamused:

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If your decision to scale back your playing time had anything to do with reaching level 50 and feeling a huge reduction in your incentive, you would not be alone.

I enjoy this group and would love to have it persist indefinitely, even as players reach max; but I’ve already had 3 game friends drop PoGO shortly achieving level 50, and I certainly couldn’t blame you for losing interest. The likelihood that Niantic would add more levels over 50 seems infinitesimal, anyway.

Reaching level L50 may have been a very small part and I mean very small. It’s definitely not the driving influence of interest dropping off.
I think what’s worn me down the most is the amount of hours I was spending, catching a lot of Pokémon and getting no reward for personal investment. I just got sick of reading about many players on this site and our local discord catching a fraction of what I do and getting 2-3x more Shiny. Add on every new thing that started coming out was locked behind a PayWall.
It had me seriously looking at what I was really getting out of the game.
Through that analysis I saw I was planing my life around playing the game rather than the game fitting in with my life.
I’ve take back control of my life basically which has me playing a lot less.


Mad props to ya for that. I must have quit in outrage four or five times in 2022, only to think of something about the game that I still like, and then rationalize giving the game another chance. My love for the game has nearly vanished in the past year.

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Day 2: it was freezing outside and played shorter than I wish I would. Still ended up doing 2.5 hours of the community day and ended up getting a bonus 30 shiny Pokemon and another three Galarian Zigzagoon after the 2pm-5pm window, of which two were back to back as well.

Ended the weekend with exactly 70 shinies. Hopefully one of my leftover eggs will contain a Shiny Budew but knowing my luck it won’t. Still though, can’t complain with my results.

Unfortunately missed out on Mudkip last weekend but that’s no big deal as I already have a ton of them anyway. Got all the others (not counting 2021 CD Pokémon) though.

Edit: shiny rate is about 1/33.8 which is again below odds as usual but it’s not as crazy as it was during Litwick CD at least.

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14 Shiny Chespin, not one Hundo…
Don’t know why I played it.

My midday schedule is actually clear enough to play a CD today, which has been RARE for tha last 2 years. But I plan to do something more interesting; maybe count raindrops…

Don’t know why I played it.

Me, neither. I’ve never liked Chespin, even a little.


Got 10 or so shinies in maybe an hour, which is only slightly more than I got last Spotlight Hour, which I only played for 30 minutes exactly, so I’m willing to believe I was way over odds again this time, just as usual. I found quite a lot of spawn clusters though here in the more rural parts of France so that was interesting. Still though couldn’t be interested in playing more as I absolutely despise the Kalos Starters and I feel like Community Days are also getting more dreadful and hardly ever I’m willing to play the full three hours anymore.

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Same old same old rubbish CD for my useless dud Trainer.
Played roughly just over 2 hours.
6 Shiny from 214 catches and no 100%
In comparison the 2 Family accounts had the Gotchas turned on for a fraction of that time.
6 Shiny on 1 and 8 on the other from 140 ish catches.
My trainer was also to useless to find a Kleon

Already had the hundo, so I mainly just stuck around for the Shiny. Resting mainly from working out as a start to my New Years’ Resolution to get back into shape.

So we started playing at 2pm and I says to the missus, “We’ll stop for coffee at 3 as long as we’ve all got 3 shinies to make the family”.

So we stroll around town, zigzagging through the park, and by the castle, and into the market square, to take in all the best clusters - and we gradually work our way to the coffee shop next to the library.

It’s ten past three when we get there, and the shiny score is…
Cat has 9, Mrs. celery has 8, I have NONE.
From 300 encounters… ZERO.

Mrs c. goes into the cafe to order the drinks while I stomp around outside in the little public gardens by the library. There are 2 gyms and 10 stops on a 5 minute loop. 3 of the stops are lured.

I get a brown Chestnut fella - shinally!!!
Then another, then another, then another, then another. 5 shinies in 2 minutes within the space of 10 encounters.

I turn off the phone. I go and drink my coffee - no cake - because of too many cakes over Christmas. We go back to the car and drive home. No more shinies for me.

Ridiculous odds. Statistically impossible. The harsh judgment passed on me by RNGeesus. I feel like never playing again.


The concept of RNG is over xxxx period of time it evens out. Your example while it is small in size time line wise does fall in line with the concept of RNG as a final result.
I’ve been waiting for that cluster of things in very close succession for my “RNG” to even out but it just doesn’t happen.

Last time I posted here was in September. In the next few days I will post my not very detailed reports about CDs from October, November and December. January CD was on 7 January when we in Serbia celebrate Christmas according to the Julian calendar. So I played for an hour and a half. My first Chespin that I checked was from incense and it was shiny! :star_struck: Not long after I got another shiny. The weather was sunny so Chespin were weather-boosted. I got many good-IV Chespin and I saved many since Chespin was first introduced so in the end I evolved 16 Chesnaught with Frenzy Plant and I got 1 from the special research, but I claimed it after the CD so I got Solar Beam. I used incense, didn’t use lure module, star piece and lucky egg. In the end I got 6 shinies. After the first part of the CD, I did one Reshiram raid and got a shiny! :star_struck: I didn’t do Quilladin raids. It was a great CD.

Haven’t had the time for doing the community day. I have arranged for someone to trad nee a shiny though

As I promised, here are the screenshots from the Litwick CD in October. I won’t be posting details because it was 4 months ago and I don’t know if anyone reads this.

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Half hearted attempt at CD using GoPlus only.
150 ish caught, I think dust off rate was high.
4 Shiny
0 100%
0 xxl
0 xxs

Pretty good. Grinded mainly for the Stardust. Got 7 shinies, and even two hundos.

I’ll spare you the details, because the event had nothing but crap on all fronts. It took the whole first hour just to do the obligatory update of the app on both accts, and it went further downhill from there…

Don’t those throw only non-berried standard Pokéballs? Most of the Noibats that I encountered took a Great or Ultra ball to capture on the first throw.

Yes, straight throw, Red Ball no Berry with a GoPlus. It’s the only way I could play as I was out and about with not so little Miss Kanga.

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