How was Your Community day

I got 11 shinies, evolved 14 Obstagoon with Obstruct and got 1 from the special research, used 1 lure, incense and 2 star pieces, duoed a Genesect raid, got lots of stardust and candy, did the timed research and got the rewards. I didn’t do Linoone raids. It was a great CD.

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Nabbed 5 shines and gained 182 XL candies. My only gripe is not completing the timed research.

Pretty decent for a 30 minute window I was able to play. Three shinies and a hundo.

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I was in a small village visiting my relatives during CD. There weren’t any Poke stops and wild spawns so all I could do was use an incense. But since I wasn’t able to move most of the time I only got a spawn every 5 minutes. I bought the special research and I took 5 snapshots and managed to finish the research before the first part of CD ended. I got 1 shiny from incense and 1 from the snapshot. I came home late in the afternoon just in time to do one last Boldore raid. I got one more shiny from the spawns - 3 in total. And that last shiny had good IVs so I evolved it. :smiley: I evolved 6 Gigalith with Meteor Beam and got 1 with good IVs from the special research. In the end, I’m satisfied with what I got from this CD given the limitations I faced with.

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I only got one :frowning_face:

Couldn’t really play. Didn’t need another Rock N Roller either. Still got 7 sparkling Dancing Stones though.

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Had my State Football (Aussie Rules not round ball) Teams Grand Final on the same day that made playing some what seriously out of the question.
Could reach 1 sometimes 2 with drift Pokestops from the Corporate Box. Lured 1 of the stops and set off a stink bomb and let the GoPlus get whatever while I watched my team trail all day and snatch the win with 3 goals in the last 7 mins to win by a point.
The day couldn’t have been better and nothing to do with Pokémon CD :grinning:.
Oh, I managed to get 4 shiny and no 100%. Only need 1 for the full family.

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Got a hundo thanks to a random lured spawn…

…here is Mrs celery’s version of the same critter :angry:

:shushing_face: Ssssshhhhhhundo!!


I didn’t do as much as I would like, but I was able to get a Shiny. I already had the hundo. Biggest reason I didn’t do more was that work really needed my help, and I decided to give up my day off to help. It was slow enough on occasion where I could check the game. Ended up with 7 shinies.

Roggenrola community day?
The weather was so bad I only went outside for a 30 minute walk, caught 3 shinies and then went back home. There was so much rain

Was looking forward to Litwick CD a lot. Things got in the way and couldn’t play in the end :disappointed:. Why did this have the happen on one of the good ones.

Couldn’t play, couldn’t care, however I did managed to find some time in the last half an hour and it took forever to find a shiny but still got 5 in the end.

Turns out my shiny rate was 1/56,8. According to research the average rate during my time zone was 1/50 and it’s currently on 1/42. Something’s off here…

Thought I’d analyse the rates…

So when I was playing the community day I figured it was taking much longer to encounter a shiny than usual. I looked at and saw it said 1/50 shiny rate which I thought was unusual but I just assumed it was mixed up with the full odds shiny rate from the people that had already had their Community Day.

This was yesterday at 5.12pm.

I checked it later on 11.42pm as well and then it said 1/42 shiny rate.

And this is where it’s becoming weird. As there are now more regions that finished Community Day, there are progressively more full odds encounters. This should lead to a drastic DECREASE in the shiny rate. However, their research shows a drastic INCREASE. The only thing this can mean besides their research maybe not being accurate which I highly doubt is that Niantic changed the shiny rate to the Community Day odds halfway through the day and the earliest timezones got disadvantaged with a worse shiny rate as I already suspected based on how hard they were to encounter. This is another poorly handled situation by Niantic but it’s hard to provide real evidence for this I assume.

For more accuracy, this screenshot was made 15 minutes after the first 1/42 rate.

This shows how much they update it. Also, they’ve always been correct on the other shiny rates as well. Niantic just has to have changed the rates.

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Very productive for me today. I decided to hit up a park in the city that I haven’t been to since before the pandemic. Lots of unspun stops, very large area, lots of spawns, everything I needed.

I managed to get the required Candy XL I needed for the hundo I caught yesterday; once that was obtained, I focused on Shiny hunting for the rest of the day. Netted 26 shinies. Sadly, the best one was a 93% with 13 attack. However, I’ll be holding onto these to see if mirror trading with Lucky Friends may get me something better. Mainly so I can use the Shiny as a Fire-type attacker as its fire looks more fitting for that.

I also walked over 20 km today–I usually walk about 8 in a day–so it was a good time to give my Scizor Buddy a Poffin and try to get enough Candy XL for that. I’m only four short now of what I need. Although I’m a little suspicious of Niantic’s actual rates for Level 40 buddies as 3 times in a row, a Candy XL failed to materialize. That better not happen tomorrow when I’m out and about for the Elite Raids.

Overall, a very good day.

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Played hooky from work this afternoon to play and had a nice couple of hours. A couple hundred catches, a few shinies, a Xerneas raid during the event, and a few Lampent, another Xerneas, and a Mawile afterwards.

As I still couldn’t get over it I decided to calculate the shiny rate over the difference. In those 98808 Litwick spawns, 3993 Shiny Litwick were caught. And if you calculate the shiny rate, that comes down to… surprising surprising… 1:24,7. So I think my theory is pretty much proven now.

Couldn’t play. Did catch 20 in the last three minutes, no shinies though. But there was a good IV one so I evolved to 2 chandelure.

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This Litwick CD is the hardest I played in a while, caught over 440 Litwick and 25 shiny, did two Lampent raids afterwards when it’s raining hard.


47 shiny Dratini were caught including two 96IV Shiny ones which were also the two best. Forgot to evolve them because of all those yellow stops around though. :man_facepalming: Anyway, I think I did pretty decent this CD. 47 is my new record for a three hour Community Day, + I got 400k XP and 150k Stardust so I can’t complain. Now I hope I can evolve those Dratini during next month’s CD.

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We had rain all day, so virtually all of CD was done in our house. My alt had 74 Dratini caught, with 2 shiny and 4 Dragonites evolved. Was glad to get even that much under the circumstances.

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