How was Your Community day

Oh, I forgot to post some pictures from community day.

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Make up Deino day Saturday followed by Starly Sunday.
Did Deino day >100km from home and Starly around the streets at home.
Both days failed to reach any heights with IV or Shiny’s.
Only 5 Deino from guesstimating 400ish catches.
7 Starly from around similar.

That’s too bad.
Better luck next time

This time I actually have the time to play this community day. So I will play all 3 hours today.

My stats for community day:

476 starly encounters
15 shiny Starly
Shiny rate 1 per 31,7

And a shiny rockruff!!

Odds were bad on my side. But overall I had a good day. Met up with some old friends, had lunch together at the local Subway.

Forgot to evolve my starly’s, but I’ll do that on the community day recap

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Your odds were bad???
You got to be joking right?
Just for once I’d like to get those sort of odds rather than the crap fest rate I seem get every ****** CD.

Got 40 Shiny Starly and another one like an hour after the event too so 41 as a total. Quite surprising as I went in completely unprepared, skipped the first hour, done some submissions and raids in the meanwhile too which I never do and I stopped a little more often because I was going for the 3x catch XP and because it was very sunny outside and yet I managed to double my usual amount of shinies for the three hour Community Day window. And on top of that, I got my first ever wild Hundo during a Community Day, too. I can call it a great day.

My detailed report on last CD went quite unnoticed (didn’t receive any likes) so I’m not sure how detailed you would like me to be this time. But it’s hard to beat my record from the Deino CD, so this one won’t be as spectacular.


You got one now. :+1:

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I find Community Day to be more of a chore than an enjoyable gameplay experience.

Thanks @Jormdeworm! :smiley:

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I noticed your detailed report. Was glad to see it, but didn’t have time to read it all, yet, and didn’t reply. (this time my “tl;dr” was really more like “too lazy, didn’t reply”)

The spawns were fine, The XLs were plentiful and the XP and stardust were rolling in.

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I was in Greece during Community Day. It was very hot. I used a lure and incense to try to get as many Starly as I can since there aren’t many Poke stops and gyms there. I got my first shiny from incense early on (and it had great IVs :smiley:), but then nothing for a long time. Finally, in the last hour of the event, I got a few more shinies. I got 6 shinies in total which is pretty good :+1:. I got a hundo Staravia from the special research :star_struck: :100:! I evolved 9 Staraptor with Gust and got one from the special research. All in all, it was a good CD.


1 in 25 is the expected rate. 1 in 31 is somewhat bad then

How come you have no shinies though?

I think that’s a question for Niantic why my Shiny rate is constantly much higher than the suggested av 1/25.

I have around 1/40 most of the time. Starly Community Day was the first in a long time that actually treated me well I think, but I forgot to track how many I encountered so I can’t say for sure.

@5GodLink would be surprised at least.


A typical crap result CD for my pathetic useless incompetent trainer.
No Shiny greater than 2 star.
No 100%

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Managed to get a hundo from Field Research–those have been TOO GOOD to me lately–and I got some decent shinies, but none to write home about. Might trade them with people to reroll them because I’m sure some people will want to do that.

Went pretty hard this CD for the dust. I caught over 1200 with 50 shinies plus 100 stacked research persian, meowth, paras and combee encounters for extra booster dust. Ended netting around 1.2 million dust in the 3 hrs played.

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