How was Your Community day

Community Day was great. I went to the town center before 2 pm, and as soon as the event started, I put a regular lure module and a mossy lure module on the 2 Poke stops. I mega evolved my Pidgeot to get an extra candy for every Stufful I catch. My plan was to spend first hour in that area and then to go to other parts of the town and get the 5 km distance for the CD Distance Challenge. I also used an incense, bought the special research, took 5 snapshots. I found the first shiny from the first field research! My goal was to evolve at least 4 Stufful and get 3 shinies. In the end, I got 7 shinies and evolved 5 Stufful plus I got one Bewear from the special research. I also managed to finish the Distance Challenge. I found several high-CP and good-IV Stufful because of the weather boost. After 3 hours, I did 2 special trades and got 2 shinies that I didn’t have! My results: over 216,000 XP (I didn’t use a Lucky Egg), around 220 Stufful caught.


got one shiny; captured 10 stufful with a pinap berry.

Pretty good considering I thought I wouldn’t be able to play the entire weekend

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Just couldn’t get excited for this one. Every CD seems to fall on the fortnight I have little Miss Kanga. I can’t get on my bike and ride around for the whole event which is what I was enjoying the most with the CD’s.
Now stuck trying to half play them while travelling around to do things with little Miss Kanga and get her out of the house and off electronic devices every hour. She doesn’t mind that I part play while we do our thing in the time we have together.
The Gotcha didn’t charge for one of the alts so I manually caught stuff while we stopped for a bite to eat at our favourite place. The insult of the game was apparent when doing some clean up at home. 40min of manual catching netted 2 more Shiny on that acct (11) than 3hrs on my main with the Go Plus (9).
There has been something different shiny wise with my main compared to other accts I’ve played. It nearly always come up with less Shiny than the others. It never has a great outstanding day where it gets heaps. On the odd occasion where I think it has done better than previous CD with Shiny amount another acct gets more and when I read the numbers on line that some get the ratio is no better than the days days I didn’t get as many.
Now that I’ve deleted 100’s of Shiny I just don’t really care anymore how many I get. One for each evolution is enough now as the IV are never useful anyway.
CD’s are just Candy and distance trade rubbish to me.
That view might change if something is Meta useful.

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Did 1.5 hours of it, then got bored because of the terrible Shiny rate they gave. 1/40 where it used to be 1/25. Terrible time frame too, I already had plans from 2pm - 5pm and had to change them because Niantic decided to make it three hours instead of six. The only good thing about it was the XP bonus I suppose. I still don’t get why Niantic reverted the time frame back to three hours, but it makes no sense at all. All they said was they did it because hardly anyone played for over three hours, and that doesn’t make sense either.

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Finally got around to checking the Bears.
258 caught. 4x 89% and 1x 93% was best IV non Shiny. For the 9 Shiny well nothing better than 1 star IV wise.

Date and time not suitable to have a serious crack at it again.
Not able to do the 2 hour drive to collect the >100km Trade rubbish.
Nothing worth mentioning. Maybe some Tades will be more successful.

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Nothing to report either.
I just like the sound of my own voice :laughing:

Half hour into it here and absolute crap so far. A total of 7 spawns, none of which are worth keeping, not even for trading.

Bad weather hampered it here, but I already had the hundo, so all I needed was just one shiny and got that. Sadly, I didn’t get to take advantage of the stardust due to the weather.

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Didn’t play. I already had shiny alolan geodude, and had more important things to do. If I had the time I would’ve played.

I was the head of the organisation of a big event i runned last saturday.

Nothing too interesting, finally got the Shiny Alolan Geodude family registered, which was the last Shiny family I needed for the long released Alolan Pokémon. 39 or something like that in total. Now I can rest again until June 5.


My Community Day was great, because I played in 2 cities! First, I went to Novi Sad and played there for several hours until 12 pm. I took over many gyms and spun many old and new Poke stops. I could only play CD for 40 minutes there, because I had to catch a train to Belgrade. I traveled by a new fast inter city train called Soko (Falcon). I was in Belgrade in 29 minutes. There I continued to play in the famous Knez Mihailova Street and went all the way to the Kalemegdan fortress. It was great. The weather was nice and Alolan Geodude were weather-boosted. I found so many new Poke stops, I couldn’t spin them all. I also took over some gyms. My results: 5 shinies (2 from Novi Sad and 3 from Belgrade), some good-IV Alolan Geodude, I used only 1 starpiece, because I wasn’t able to play all the time, used an incense, did the special research, evolved 7 Alolan Golem with Rollout (and got one from the special research). I walked over 11 km! It was an amazing CD!


Got to spend a CD on the bike for the first time since Shinx. Been a week of rain every day so got lucky with a day of no rain.
In a big surprise the first 2hrs were server trouble free and game was smooth to play as it should be. Last hour was however what I was really expecting for something like Deino bringing out the masses of casual players. Death circle a regular feature and dead periods of unresponsiveness. Alt crashed and took 12mins to get back in. Reports of 20-25mins to restart from others on local Discord.
I already have L50 100% Hydra so this was a hope to complete 100% family day :rofl::rofl: who am I kidding.
11/401 Shiny
No 100%
Got plenty of >100km trades so not a total fail.
Alt got 2x 100% though :man_facepalming:

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Deino CD was amazing! Great Pokemon, great shiny and a new shiny for me. It started the best way possible: first Deino – first shiny and it was in my house! :star_struck: :sparkles: Not long after I got another shiny and then another
 Shiny force was very generous to me. I got 20 shiny Deino in total! :partying_face: That’s my new record! :top: I got 15 shinies in the first part and 5 more in the second part. I was lucky to find 1 shiny with good IVs. :+1: As for the regular Deino, I couldn’t find many with good IVs in the wild. But, I did the special research. And every Deino that I got from it had good IVs and in the end I got Hydreigon with 98% IV! :trophy: I used an incense, but I didn’t use any lucky eggs, lure modules or star pieces. I took 5 snapshots in a park. I mega evolved Latias and had it as my buddy. I got so many Deino candies that I evolved 11 Hydreigon with Brutal Swing (and I got 1 from the special research). And I still have so many candies that I can power up my 98% IV Hydreigon to level 40 and I will still be able to evolve some Deino. I used incubators to hatch some eggs, but I only had one 12km egg, got one 10km egg and had one 7km egg. So I mostly hatched 2km and 5km eggs. I hatched 9 in total. I finally got the platinum Dragon tamer medal! :trophy: Before the CD, I needed 241 dragon-type Pokemon to get that medal. So I was catching every Deino that I could, but I was running out of Poke balls, Great Balls and the number of Ultra balls was not that great. For some reason, it was hard to get many balls from gifts, Poke stops and Gyms and I tried to get them before the CD. If I had had more balls, I would have caught more Deino. I did get some balls from the special research and that helped. But when the first part of the CD ended, I was 35 Deino short from reaching the platinum medal for dragon types. Then I went home for lunch and after that at 4 pm I met with my friend who is the only player in town besides me who plays regularly and he is the only one that responds to my messages on our local Discord group. We did 3 Zweilous raids, but I had to bring my alt account and we all had mega evolved Pokemon so we could beat it. And we were successful! :+1: Then we got more Deino spawns and I caught all the Deino that I needed to get the platinum medal. We also did 3 special trades (all 3 Mewtwo that ended up with poor IVs) and some leftover Deino trades.
My results: I caught 260 Pokemon according to Pokemon caught counter (3 of them weren’t Deino or Zweilous), 264 dragon-type Pokemon (it looks like the Pokemon from special and non-CD field research don’t count as caught), I got 20 shinies, got 12 Hydreigon with Brutal Swing (one with 98% IV), did 3 Zweilous raids, hatched 9 eggs, got 143,765 XP (I didn’t use lucky eggs). This CD was one of the best CDs!


I always thought you had great luck but 20/260 really gives me the :poop: when all the game gives me is 11/401.
My Trainer just plain and simple sux when it comes to Shines.

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I couldn’t really play which I didn’t really mind because I didn’t need Deino anyway as I had a bunch of 98%s and Shinies already waiting but I played for about 1-1.5 hours and grabbed 13 Shinies. I noticed the shiny rate was very low in the beginning but they came like raindrops near the end so I don’t really know what my actual Shiny rate was to be fair but usually I have around 1/32 so that’s my bet. Either way, it was still a fun day collecting a bunch of Deino. One thing I liked about this Community Day was the Zweilous spawning. I heard many people complaining about too much Zweilous but I thought it was okay. Sure at some point I saw more Zweilous than Deino but that was the only time I’m pretty sure.

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I got enough Candy XL to push one to level 49 and now it waits when I have to get the level 50’s.
That was my aim and meanwhile I got about 2500 normal candies.

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Didn’t do much for it, but I did get enough Candy XL to get my hundo to level 50 when that happens, and I managed to get my present hundo to learn Brutal Swing via Elite Charge TM. Already had the Shinies as well from GO Fest last year, but still captured a few to trade for later.

Overall, had a good time.

Catching Deino was actually really nice, as I had a Zwellious from Comm Day December 2020. I never got enough candy to evolve it until yesterday, and I evolved Pancham into Pangoro during the event. I collected 513 regular candies and 34 XLs. I only have one shiny, but it will make a nice Zwellious. Overall, I had a nice time, considering I did this from my house!

Didn’t have the time to play. Captured 5 non-shinies though. Gotta try hard in December to catch this one