How was Your Community day

Got all I wanted, but with one strange effect:
On the main account 6 alolan shinys, on the alt 5 kantonian shinys.
Running around a lot, but no chance to get them mixed up.


Community Day spawns were absolutely broken. In the first four hours, the Kanto form hardly even spawned, then they were everywhere for an hour and after that the spawns were more balanced. At some point I clicked on an Alolan Sandshrew, which turned into a Kantonian Sandshrew, and then they all randomly did and vice versa. Niantic definitely “shrewed” up again.

Either way, I got a total of 99 Shiby Sandshrew still, which is slightly more than usual. 65 were Alolan and 34 Kantonian. No wonder I got more Alolans, as 90% of the spawns were that one until 14:46, which makes no sense. No Shundo, only three even had 3* and were still bad, but that’s no big deal to me. It was still one of the better Community Days they’ve done so far.

Also, just after the change point I actually got three Shiny Green Skin Shrews in a row, without even clicked a regular one in between:

PS total says 98 because I put one Shiny in the research stack.


Very unusual CD for me. Playing on a small Caribbean island with hardly any spawns and virtually no Pokestops or Gyms.

It also has incredibly expensive data roaming charges, so I was stuck with the apartment wi-fi.

Curse the nerf to incense! - the only time I really needed it and it was useless.

Anyhoo, luck was on my side and I scrambled 3 shinies - including the Alolan I needed to complete the full family set. Now I can forget PoGo for a bit and concentrate on the rum, swimming and sunbathing.
Cheers :tropical_drink::desert_island:


I was sick during Community Day, so I couldn’t go out. I didn’t buy the special research, I couldn’t hatch eggs, so I only used incense. I had luck in the beginning, I found two shinies, both Alolan Sandshrew that I didn’t have. I have around 7 spawn points at my house, so I was able to play because incense is so bad now. In the end, I got 4 shinies in total: 3 Alolan and 1 Kantonian Sandshrew. Luckily, I had 2 shiny Kantonian Sandshrew that I caught before. I found a couple of good-IV Sandshrew, so I was able to evolve both forms. This wasn’t one of the most exciting CDs, but I’m glad that I managed to do everything that I could in these circumstances.
Highest CP shiny

All the evolved forms

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For the Mudkip classic I was pleasantly surprised to be able to play. Not much beyond that was pleasing
 It’s probably a toss-up which was worse: the spawn rate or shiny rate. Using lure and incense the whole 3 hours, my main and alt saw 67 and 64, respectively. Alt got 2 shiny, and main got 1. :face_vomiting:

All up it was a big disappointment
Only got to play for 2 of the 3 hours.
No good non Shiny IV and again for the second time no Shiny IV better than 1 star. XL Candy haul between catches and and transfers was way below what I was hoping for and that was the main reason for making an effort.

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It was a lovely spring day in my part of the world.
Warm enough for lunch outside and an ice cream.

I evolved my hundo mudkipper into swamp thing and got enough XL candy to max it Level 50.

Little else of interest was achieved.

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Didn’t had the time to play. But I did get to know that my future cousin will be a baby boy


No shiny mudkip for me

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I’ve been busy these days, so I’m posting my experience on CDC now. It was great. I played in my town and got more shinies and good-IV Mudkip than on previous Mudkip CD when I was in Greece on vacation. At the very beginning, I found a hundo Mudkip in my house! :star_struck: :100: I did the special research, found several good-IV Mudkip, got a lot of XP with a Lucky Egg. I got 8 shinies. I evolved all of my good-IV Mudkip and Marshtomp and 1 shiny and I got 1 Swampert from the special research. I’m looking forward to more CDCs in the future (especially Larvitar).


Hmm. I think I can play exactly one hour before I need to bike home if I do this. Maybe I’ll do this. Any other fellow Dutch people going to Leidschendam on Saturday?

Nevermind, I need to be on the other side of the country on Saturday so I can’t go there

They will do it there in front of the LEGO store?

But the Leidschenhage shopping centre has more than just a Lego store.

Hopefully they got pokestops over in the outskirts of Eindhoven as well

Well, I will give it a try to see if there is a change.

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Haven’t been there before. But I’ll keep you all posted about how my community day will go

A. C. !

Not as in “awesome cool”, but as in “absolute crap”
 I’m almost sorry that I even turned on my phones. Pretty much a waste of time, battery, and incense. Spawning rate seemed even lower than when there isn’t an event and I’m not using spawn enhancers (like incense and lure), and I’m not sure I can gauge the shiny rate with such a small sample size. I didn’t get upset, though, because I hadn’t been expecting much from this CD to begin with. :man_shrugging:

Got the hundo, which is always my goal. Didn’t get too many Shinies strangely enough, but I got a lot of Candy. Didn’t get enough Candy XL though, but it’s not that far off.

Pretty good this one.
Lovely weather.
Plenty of stuffy shinies (though the best had just 71% IVs)
Enough XL candy to max one of the 2 hundos I got.
Bonus shiny Goldeen just before kick-off and Trubbish after the event was over.
Even saw some old Pogo mates and had time for a catch-up and an ice cream. :grin::+1:

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I got 1 shiny but had to play at work

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