Share all your epic ’mons and experiences from GO Tour Sinnoh Global!
Level one Azelf

My “epic” Sinnoh mon shown below.
No, I haven’t forgot to post pics.
Had to take little Miss Kanga to a friends house today so played for about 90min including 5 Raids.
Below is today’s collection of Shiny and great IV.
That’s right 0 again.
It’s difficult to see the game with anything else but distain atm.
Seemed a little mystical, catching this at 11:11, just after the skies were filled with astral phenomena. 15-14-15.
Oh man @NotanotherKangaskhan that’s really unfortunate, hopefully you have a better time today!
Unfortunately my previous post was day 2 for me.
My stats for the 2 days are:
5hrs of play total
30 Raids
No great IV
No shiny
200ish Pokémon caught
No keeper IV
No shiny
With life circumstances not great you hope the game would bring some fun for a brief moment but…………NO.
Sucks to have gotten nothing worthwhile in that. I remember being too late for the lobby in the raid to which you invited me. I thought we did raid once or twice together after that, with no noteworthy catches from those for me, either.
But I did snag a couple of good Origin Dialga – the best being s Shiny 15-14-15.
I’m so sorry to hear that @NotanotherKangaskhan. I really hope that things start looking up for you in Pokémon GO and in real life.
So, about 2:30pm on Sunday it occurred to me that no matter how many Hisuian Qwilfish / Voltorb / Sneasel / Growlithe / etc. I clicked on in the wild, I wasn’t going to get a shiny - this despite Niantic telling us that the chances of that would be increased.
So I started doing the Event Research - which, up to this point, I had been ignoring.
Basically, this involved using ‘dust to power up specific types of Pokémon to receive an encounter. The tasks changed every hour, and were gained by spinning almost every pokestop or gym.
I did a few batches of three-at-a-time and still no shiny luck. Then BAM!!! a disturbing realisation hit me like the proverbial ton-of-bricks.
What I was doing was almost exactly like playing video slot machines. I was mindlessly paying (using hard-earned ‘dust) to click for a reward. Then repeating, and repeating, and repeating, and repeating. This was the closest I have ever felt to being addicted to gambling.
I don’t want a game to feel like that. I turned off the game and sat in my car for an hour.
Then I turned it back on but didn’t do any more Research tasks.
I hated this event. Now, I’m at the crossroads - wondering if I should quit the game altogether.
Don’t quit! I think stopping the field research was a good idea, but you could have kept clicking wild spawns! I know of so many trainers who got some of those shinies—including me—so you had probably just been very unlucky so far. I’m sorry to hear that you had such a bad experience, however.
Most addictive games seem to be built on a foundation of mindless compliance, reinforced by repetition…
Your are wise to pick up on the parallel between aspects of this game and gambling.
There are others too such as purchasing countless amounts of raid passes chasing Shiny or 100%’s or Incubators chasing the same.
Nianshits model of “boosted odds” is not transparent and has some massive flaws as I’ve experienced multiple times and now clearly visible by yourself as well. My view on events was permanently tarnished and changed the day a ticketed acct got no Shiny while an un ticketed account got 4.
The mechanic for reward for effort put in needs a serious rethink but Niantic have proven they are happy with their scummy greed model and hide behind something called RNG.
Or just chasing enough Candy XL to push a good Legendary to Level 50.
Less like gambling than investing for that one, though…
It’s investing until the stock market crashes and the raid boss your grinding doesn’t make another appearance in raids for like an eternity…which is another annoyance.
I just wish that Niantic would always say one-in-twenty, or whatever the number was, for shiny rarities! That would make things so much nicer.
Them advertising a number would most likely open them to litigation when players get the situation like @celery and myself have encountered with big fat zeros after 100’s of catches and hours of play.
Just saying increased chance and RNG absolves them of any accountability for what players get.
They leave it to the online communities to come up with numbers that may or may not be close to reality.
The bigger question is are they answerable to any consumer authority or laws around promoting events with lures or increased chances that drives players to part with $ in pursuit of what’s being advertised.
We’ve already seen them say oops we goofed and forgot to turn a feature on more than once. They cash in on the goof and then do a rerun and cash in again.
They seem to be well versed in the corporate greed world of dirty sneaky tactics.
It’s hard to shake off the tendency to treat probabilities like quotas. Even math-savvy people can lapse into that facile fallacy from time to time.
Awesome alliteration there, my friend!
Thanks. I kind of thought it was low-hanging fruit. Sometimes what Niantic says and does causes a stream of ‘f’ words to cross my mind, some of them not in common use for 50+ years. It seems like today’s is “feckless”