Go Battle - Bots/lag switchers/double charged attacks

Sorry… Lanturn

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This is one of many videos I have.

Watch his use of charged attacks with stunfisk.

He uses muddy water followed up with discharge x2.

That’s 3 charged attacks back to back with only one being charged.

Discharge isn’t his spam or bait attack either.

This is a prime example of someone abusing the system and logging in on multiple devices.

Vimeo only allows me to upload 2 videos without paying.

Just had one person with charjabug do 3 * x-scissor followed up with a discharge.

No time to even click a fast attack.

In any competitive game arena this type of behavior would receive a permanent ban not a slap on the wrist.

This is an example of someone choking their connection.

I can see them spamming attacks and widdling me down all the while not able to do a single thing.

You can see me click both types of charged attacks towards the end just trying to get some kind of response.

They barely win and this is the type of loss that drives people away from the game.

Thanks for putting those up.
I tried watching one on my tiny phone screen which was difficult to see detail.
I’ll have a better look on my laptop at home over the next 1-2 days.

Watch this guy throttle his connection.

Just non-stop attacks while I’m not able to do a single thing.

I use a shield at one point and the animation goes off and his attack still lands.

They really need to start perma banning people that exploit the game.

I pve so I can pvp and I’m sure there are others who do the same.

Not only does this behavior drive people away from the game but it’s just kinda lame to let people who bot or exploit get a slap on the wrist when they aren’t even really playing the game.

It’s just all around bad for the community and honestly doesn’t make the company look great.

Seems like as long as people pay to play they don’t care

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I’ll have zygarde complete form after next week and he is a 12/15/15.

Probably run zygarde, shadow Mewtwo, and Dialga in master league and won’t touch great league.

No point in trying to play competitive if they don’t actually monitor their game


4-0 and then next 4 games are automatically losses because I’m instantly disconnected.

Welcome to gbl and it’s fantastic server’s and game play.

We only charge people out the ass for every addon or raid pass while not maintaining our game.

Who doesn’t love losing 100 cr due to things that are out their control?

Games literally unplayable rn

Charged attacks don’t go off and your character just sits there while getting pummeled by the other players choking their connection.

Might as well delete the app until they do a banwave and fix latency issues.

See if I can wreck master league now.


Game is literally nothing but bots and still unplayable.

After all that work and being stuck in 22-2300 range just gonna delete it.

Only thing I really enjoy now is seeing the plethora of horrible reviews on play store and watching their rating tank

Final straw is someone running double Metagross getting 7 supercharges off to my one earthquake.

Wdym “supercharge”?

Melmetal not Metagross


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Per chat gpt

Certainly! Here’s a detailed explanation of why there is significant cheating in Pokémon GO Battle League:

1. Competitive Nature

The Pokémon GO Battle League (GBL) is a competitive platform where players aim to rank up and showcase their skills. The competitive nature of the game drives some players to cheat to gain an edge. They want to climb the ranks quickly, earn prestige, and prove their dominance.

2. Inadequate Security Measures

Despite Niantic’s ongoing efforts to curb cheating, the game’s security measures can sometimes be insufficient to prevent all forms of cheating. Cheaters are continually finding and exploiting new vulnerabilities in the game’s code. Niantic frequently updates its anti-cheat mechanisms, but it’s a constant cat-and-mouse game with those who develop cheats.

3. Technological Advancements

The availability of advanced third-party software and bots makes it easier for players to cheat. These tools can manipulate the game in various ways:

  • GPS Spoofing: Allows players to fake their location to catch region-specific Pokémon or spin PokéStops in other areas without physically being there.
  • Bots: Automate the gameplay, including perfect timing on moves, automatically switching Pokémon, and executing precise dodges.
  • Modified APKs: Custom versions of the game with enhanced features that provide unfair advantages.

4. Desire for Rewards

The Battle League offers significant rewards, such as rare Pokémon, exclusive items, and in-game currency. The desire to obtain these rewards quickly and efficiently can tempt players to cheat. The higher the rank, the better the rewards, so players might resort to cheating to maximize their gains.

5. Frustration with Matchmaking

The matchmaking system in GBL can sometimes feel unfair, especially if players frequently encounter opponents with much stronger Pokémon or better teams. This frustration can lead to a feeling of helplessness, driving some players to cheat as a way to level the playing field or counteract what they perceive as an unfair system.

6. Cultural Factors

In some gaming cultures, cheating might not carry the same stigma as it does in others. For some players, winning by any means necessary is acceptable, and they might not see cheating as a significant ethical breach. This cultural perspective can influence the prevalence of cheating in the game.

7. Community Influence

Cheating can spread through community influence. When players see others cheating and not facing immediate consequences, they might be more inclined to cheat themselves. This creates a ripple effect, where cheating becomes more normalized within the community.

8. Economic Incentives

There’s also a market for selling high-level accounts, rare Pokémon, and in-game items for real money. Some players cheat to farm these resources and sell them, turning cheating into a profitable enterprise.

9. Lack of Immediate Consequences

Sometimes, players cheat because they feel the risk of getting caught is low or that the consequences are not severe enough. If bans and penalties are not immediate or sufficiently deterrent, players might feel that cheating is worth the risk.

Niantic’s Response

Niantic has been actively working to combat cheating through:

  • Regular updates to their anti-cheat systems.
  • Banning accounts that are found to be using third-party software.
  • Encouraging community reporting of suspected cheaters.
  • Implementing new detection methods to identify and address cheating more effectively.

However, given the scale of the game and the ingenuity of cheaters, it remains an ongoing challenge.

Cheating in Pokémon GO Battle League undermines the spirit of fair competition and can frustrate legitimate players. Continuous efforts from developers and the community are necessary to maintain a level playing field.


Bro I love point 6 XD


Hihi, yessss, where I live cheating is adecuate, allways it doesn’t harm others.

Imagine your living in an area with two reachable Pokéstops and no Gym. Do you think it’s adecaute to play there? Or do you accept that this players use a GPS manipulation to play somewhere else? This doesn’t do any harm.

All the other things your talking about using cheats in battles, yes, they are harmful.


Their algorithms are cooked.

Use Mantine/Carbink/Quagsire and face counters for one set.

Switch my team up.

Use Mantine/Registeel/Gligar and face nothing but counters.

I really don’t get this company’s inability to make GBL playable.

It makes high level 2100 plus just unbearable.

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I am running Poliwrath/Empoleon/Carbink with moderate success at the 2200 ELO range.