Go Battle - Bots/lag switchers/double charged attacks

This company needs to do a better job of using banwaves to eliminate cheating in the battle league.

It needs to be stricter as in a permanent ban

During the the week I can push upward of 2200-2300 in the Ace range.

As soon as the weekend rolls around Friday - Sunday everything changes.

The amount of people botting, abusing lag switches and logging in on multiple devices to abuse multiple charges attacks is astounding.

I’ve literally had people where we are using the same line up, same Pokemon with the same charged attacks get off 4 to my one.

Using Carbink as a closer I had someone switch 3 times in a row and each Pokemon had less than 1/4 of hp…Most likely a bot abusing lag switches.

Also using Carbink I’ve had people spam charged attacks with no charge time.

The battle league is plagued with bots and cheating and if you’re trying to farm for the rewards or to become better this is a huge deterrent.

None of that is being done by yoir opponents. That’s all Niantic.

New season same cheating prevalent.

Wiscash does 5 x surf to one of my charged attack.

Lag switches or switching to counter my Pokemon before they’ve even seen it which is a full on indicator that it’s a bot.

Battle league is complete garbage rn.

They need to fix their game.

I’m taking screenshots of the player names and the abuse/glitch they are using and posting it here.

I’d encourage everyone else to do the same.

Abusing multiple devices for additional charged attacks

Abusing switch glitch.

Videos of the more than 2 switches and excessive possible charge moves would be much better than just a Trainers name.


Flygon using back to back stone edge when only charging one

Abusing multiple devices

Choking his connection for additional blocks.

4 shields

curious – is there some way to tell how many times the opponent has charged before throwing charge move?

All you have to do is count their fast move useage and if you know the charged attack and how fast it charges it’s easy.

Also there are occurrences where they’ll spam like 4 charged moves to my one which is a clear indicator they’re logging in on multiple devices.

You can login to the same account from different phones, tablets, etc and join the go battle on different devices and it allows you to spam charged attacks.

It’s one of the easiest ways to abuse the system.

That and discord bots and other bots.

Careful, because some charge moves can be charged multiple times before use. I often defer a charge attack if the opponent pokemon is weak enough to beat without it, and then have it for use back-to-back on the opponent’s third mon (particularly if the 3rd is too strong to beat with one charge attack). I always do that for the Dragonite when battling the grunt’s flying pokemon.

You can charge all the bars for a 2 or 3 bar charge move before using any of the charges, if you do that. That gives 2 or 3 back-to-back charge attacks if all are charged before use.

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I do the same as @vorgriff3 has mentioned.

I want to see video footage of these 4 shields being used and other claims.
Only posting Trainer names just screams salty battler looser without proving the video evidence of these things happening.

To be fair to @jgcole83 , I remember one battle where the other trainer still had 3 after I finished off his first 2. I just quit and went back to raiding for the night. That was in the past year. So I know he’s not imagining things, even if one or two of the cases could be legitimate play.

I’m not doubting they are imagining things as there’s been times where I’ve participated in the battle leagues to complete tasks/quests and thought, hey isn’t it the 3rd time this snoozer has used a shield. I’m not that invested or care enough about PvP to worry about it so I move on just to get it done so I can be done with PvP.

What I do have a big problem with is people taking screen shots of Trainers names making claims and that’s all they post, not the hard factual evidence of the claim.
I’ve seen far too many sooks in this game making claims because they come up against someone that plays the game better than they do/can.

Put up the factual evidence or shut up is my personal opinion and I have no problem voicing it.

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Emphatically agreed.

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I’m screen recording so you can see what happens and we can put this part of the conversation to rest.


Unless there’s a different site that I can upload to and put link here I can’t give video.

This forum doesn’t allow it

I have 2 different videos so far.

One of a bot switching to my counters as soon as I click and he hasn’t even seen my Pokemon which is inhumanely possible and another one of Raichu being brought out for the first time and using back to back discharge with no charge time

I also now have a video of someone abusing lag switches for additional shields.

Hopefully a mod can help with the video uploading to here issue.
I’m really keen to see the videos.
Do you have a YouTube channel to put them in then post a link in here?

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Whiscash doesn’t learn surf brother

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