although did not receive a gym badge… do you need to battle for that or just spin?
yea, looks like.
soooo many gyms around…
oh there is a bug…
Confirmed for me gyms are live where i live
cant wait to battle after work
come on, how does one earn badges…
multiple ways, spinning the gyms gains you points towards earning a badge, feeding your pokemon a berry helps to get you a badge, battling helps to get you a badge.
No badges still?
well, I spinned foreign team’s gym disk and nothing happened except items drop.
fought with a pokemon there, defeated one - no badge.
spinned second time after cooldown - nope.
ah well, seems like I am too casual a player for that
haha, gyms are called pokestops in journal…
So no badges?
dunno, maybe I’m doing something wrong.
Has anyone else spun a gym and not gotten a badge?
huh? huh?!
Have people been getting badges after spinning gyms?