General discussion

Or with the time I got 6 Porygon, one of them is now a Porygon2. The other’s have to wait because I will need them for Porygon-Z

Well, after the whole hacking incident my account went from 350 mons to 120, that might explain it

Oh yes, but with the time their will appear again a lot of high IV-Mons that you want to preserve.

You know what would be fun

Having GO Hub Discord server :stuck_out_tongue:

Someone needs to get on that one👍🏻

I would talk there a lot

@apavlinovic, I’m afraid they will loose the center of all, and will desviate to something we will not like

Guys, I’m writing another article for a new huge game system that can help PoGO better esspecially for rural players

i’m still thinking about it but im done with the intro. gonna be a long one

I have abt 140, but I am a bugger for not keeping ‘spares’ generally 1 good one and 1 to evolve

Have you ever seen workers who are afraid that they could loose their place because of the changes? They could come up with hilarous ideas (imposible to realize, but very nice), only for to show their value. And as allways, the ones who pay the bugs are we…l

@dragondrawers, I’m a collector, at least one of both genders, so my minimum is near to the double of the existing different monsters

@Dinsara92 would you mind take over my job to write articles about futurism after you’ve done with your article? Sorry but I don’t have spare time to write articles until Christmas.

I’ll try my best @Yoshi. No promises. Kinda busy myself :grinning:

Thanks @Dinsara92 for accepting my request. You may check out my ideas through this website. Ideas which help to improve Pokemon GO Be reminded that the part about evolutions has already been written and you may end the article in your own name.

I’ll try my best. I’m currently writing so long its gonna be about 1.2k words essay. Pheww


done here