General discussion

I was lucky today, I’ve caught a 98% Omastar with mud shot/hydro pump LVL 16

That’s very near to the top, congrats

hey guys

feel free to click around here

and report bugs

Boa tarde

tenho imagem que a niantic esta proibindo as contas que estao sinalizadas

de comprar na loja

it’s a fun game indeed. I’ve been playing it for a couple of days already :smiley:

Everybody ready for their last walk of the event?

Just had mine

At least I’ve caught some larvitars and aerodactyls in the 1 hour of the event, since then 0 :sob:

Yes, time for a short bike ride!

4:01 pm est event still going on. Was supposed to end at 4pm another extension?

Yes rockspawns are still going on in my waterpark

Jynxed it, no rockies no more

Event is over here in Holland. But the shop is still saying ‘Limited Time Only’, while the prices are up again.

Event gone. Back to 5km larvitars candies :smile:

My Dratini still says 1.25km