General discussion

That’s true

Am I cursed by gen 3 ghost type Pokemon?

Seriously, when is MewTwo coming out?

Unlimited duration of Ex raid test…

More to the game than just Mewtwoand Ex Raids

Don’t you think it was too easy to catch all special of the Halloween event? Only 24 hours gone, all catches are publicated, all done… the rest is accumulating candies and use the reduced kilometers… Was that all? Or is there something behind, still not seen?

Hopefully gen 3 dark type Pokemon!

Or maybe some nice Houndoom ,Gengar catches. That’s about it I guess. Or it must be a shiny Sableye.

Or the fact that there are still regular spawns and we are getting double candy. It is an opportunity to stock up for mass evolutions, first evolutions or powering up your favorite mon. Also chances at shiny Pokémon including sableeye and Pikachu.

I don’t say that there is nothing to do, or it’s bad. Just that the game is evolutioning is nice. Only sometimes I think it could be more difficult to fullfill new things.

My Account has been shadowbanned for a month now, I think i’m going to take a decent 2 week break from the game

(Optional): Now spoilers are the most hateful public enemy. YT is filled up with foul language and quarrel because of leaked information about SMO.

You know what’s stupid. I stocked up on balls before the event and I’m down to 3 Pokéballs but I have 500 duskull candies, 300 gastly candies, 150 midreavus candies, 450 shuppet candies, 400 houndour candies, 1200 murkrow candies, 200 cubone candies, 100 sableye candies and 600 zubat candies.

I still havent found a shiny sableye and I’ve run into about 27

Is capturing shiny Pokemon that worthy?

mhm. I have none…

Neither me. However shiny Pokemon more or less have the same abilities of normal Pokemon. The only difference is appearance.


Only 27, that’s nothing. For Pikachu I’m up to 221 with no Shiny. I was 564 Magikarp before my first Shiny one. Currently on 39 Sableye for 0.

Yeah… they are extremely rare