General discussion

Lmao I have 13k+ karp candy

Niantic Don’t Give any answers at all, they only say “as long as you’re abiding by the terms of service, Your Account should be safe” Not very helpful.

Niantic are banning players as they want. They don’t need a reason of doing that.

It would be better for them to learn from other games. Although the possibility is extremely low.

Yeah, I don’t see that happening. What’s more likely is that they’ll lose players who are getting bored with all this anti-cheating stuff. At that point, it’s too late though.

Do you calculate how many players are still playing Pokemon GO? What is the % loss of players? (A completed statistic from the beginning of Pokemon GO to now)

There were (roughly) 550 Million players at launch, and there’s about 60 Million players now. A big decrease

Wow the number of players have decreased dramatically! However, Niantic don’t see it as a thing. They continue developing anti-cheating measures, Ex raids, suspending the development of cooperative system etc.

The number of players now is nearly one-tenth of the launch

@Dhhdyxdhhd !!! That’s insane
And I’m unhappy for have only 280
 13k, your living in a sea of Karps

@bagguille you mate @Klasser has done a great job on writing an article about the future of Pokemon GO. It’s worth to read. Pokemon Go Needs an EVOLUTION

Really good, and quite complete. Only that I don’t like his ideas about trade. His solution of cheating is not to do it
 well, if I don’t go to the street, the cars cannot kill me. His version of trade is not to have trade. But well, the summary overall is really good.

guys IGN featured Pokémon Go


I don’t understand why you guys would want spoofing to stay in the game as an easy, accessible way to play. I understand the point of physically not being able to play, and that what Niantic might do is illegal, but I would rather know that the player base is good, playing by the rules and having fun and have it be low, than have a player base full of fake players and fake accounts with a higher number of players

@leonk98 GameXplain as well!

Why’s the game updating again?

Gen 3’s coming, haven’t you herd? :grinning:

new Category added -> Gen 3

I Disappear For 1/2 day, and we get an entirely new section on the hub, Wow😉