General discussion

Today I got a close encounter with my 3rd and 4th Larvitar! :muscle:

A close encounter is catch them or have seen them, lol

They are in my bag actually!

Jijiji, I was imagining it, but reading it is better, :joy:

True that. I will finally be able to evolve the best one into my first Tyranitar, after the event.

Got my first Larvitar at home. Partytime.

Grats Chaos!

donā€™t u guys think that caught 1 larvitar is not so hype in the event? i mean, we shud at least caught 8 larvitars if this is from a eventā€¦1 or 2 during the event is too pricy for itā€¦

me? only 1 sighting in the middle of nowhere n despawned right after thatā€¦

i got 3 + 1 hatched for the moment

1 Larv is all you need to get some mad candy with the x4 buddy system :wink:

i got my first larvitar of the event just now, spawned in my house

I totally agree IbukiUtsuho! My expectations about Larvitar catches were much higher. I am quite disappointed having caught only 4 so far.

Just caught a Omastar. Didnā€™t expect to see one during this event.

why not, it is rock type after all

True but I hardly see the evolved mons. Only Graveler and Magcargo. So I was surprised. Which is a good thing!

Something weird happend to me yesterday. Caught 4 Gravellers (caught none since the event started) and 2 Larvitars + 1 Larvitar hatched from a 10km Egg.

Nice Mythical!


thatā€™s a pretty crazy streak