General discussion

at home


Yay! Good news finally ^^

Omanyte, sudowoodo, Aerodactyl, magcargo and tons of Geodude are my catches of the day… For now :slight_smile:

Aerodactyl… Grrrrr… They don’t apear here, I hope before thursday they will left some in our area

And @apavlinovic, would be very nice if they start some utility like in Ingress here, so we could offer places for new pokestops

i live i have catched 10 aerodactyls

Are you living in the mountains?

In the coast but we have mountain too

Mmmh, like me, I’m living in Valencia, Spain, and we have both, sea and mountain… but nothing, not a wing of a Aerodactyl :imp:

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tio soy de Murcia

hehe, tal vez debemos pedir un hilo en español

deberiamos xD pero eso el otro día pille un aero de 100%

no me fastidies, basta que los encuentres, pero de 100…


Es una lotería

Back to english, until we have our own part , the others like to understand whats going on

Perfect :+1:

And this? Really I will never understand people who try to gain money because others are enjoying a game…