Free to play vs Paid trainers

There’s four people who go round the 6 gyms on a morning and after that I walk round capture the gyms except one which hasn’t had a single battle yet! And then they are left over night for the 50 coins on a Saturday 3 get hit on the train station and other two are literally in very short space. But doing raids are impossible above level 3 because not enough people to do the raid

I would love it if people just kill my monsters after midnight. It’s the ones that kill them between 11:50-11:59 that really annoy me.


There’s some gyms by me where I’ll put a Pokémon in a gym and it’ll be sitting there for 4+ days, not as extreme as 400, but still irritating enough when you’re trying to figure out the whole 50 coins per day. They’ll just be sitting there at 552 motivation or something like that for days and I’ll be like “ok you coming back to me today?”

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26+ days, is it a record here in the Hub?

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Some trainers are doing it on purpose, I saw this happen (not to my mon) several times by two trainers already, why can’t they just wait until past midnight to kick out mon, it’s just a matter of less than 10 mins to them.

would need to ask @Thorend i know he has some high numbers

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I’ve had Pokémon on gyms for over a month. I don’t recall exactly how long but it was over 30 days.

Regardless of how long the mon stays if a trainer can keep a Pokémon in a gym long enough to get gold in one shot without raids and berries it’s quite accomplishment.


I have one gold gym earned without raid and battle, only berried


Impressive, i only got my ex gyms gold


One of my ex raid gyms is gold

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After a while the erosion stops.

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had to buy the shoes :fire::crazy_face: and now rocking the Celebi shirt.


Some good swag there :+1::facepunch: