Dynamax Discussion

Actually, I think the Dynamax stuff misses the point and I’m losing the fun to play with this. Remember when you just started playing: how cool was it to catch a Pokemon you didn’t have yet? To level it up and to evolve it to get another new strong Pokemon? To defeat other players by creating the best team or to defeat a boss just in time? To get gifts from friends from a random place in another country?

But lately, all the new features just aren’t exciting. Dark rocket 5 star Pokemon in gyms, who cares. Zygarde cells, just why? And the Necrozma fusion, just pay for remote passes to do 10 boss battles a day so you have enough energy? There’s just no challenge. And now Dynamax pokemon, feels like a side quest to the actual game but no added value to the game since it’s the same Pokemon yet again. Looks like Pokemon just lost all creativity.


Today I (finally) found a pokemon encounter in the Max Battle Tower. I don’t think it was there when I did the battle the day before (at least I don’t remember, I think I’d have noticed it…), but today I checked it to see how many people had left pokemon there and there it was, the symbol for a pokemon encounter.

Now, I knew we’d get random pokemon, not a particularly special/event one, but I thought they’d be significantly better… Being an encounter that’s not present at all towers or even very frequently (? I’d need more data here, honestly), I was under the assumption it would be better, like having minimum stats or something, as eggs do - not necessarily the same values, but in this line of thought.

This is what I caught:

I’ve found so much better in the wild, so I definitely had the wrong assumption. There’s no special description to indicate it was caught in the power spot, either.

I’m curious about your encounters with pokemon (from the power spots), were they better on average or all over the place?

I think it would help if someone takes a screenshot of the encounter symbol. Up to know I wasn’t even aware that there could appear something like this.

I’ve only seen one so far, so somebody else will problaby show a screenshot first.

But the place to look for is that red circle on the bottom left of the picture. Instead of a question mark, it will appear full with some grass. If you click on it, the encounter with the pokemon starts.

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Now I found it…

And here the result


Well, that’s just unbelievable in comparison! :laughing: I’ve only seen 2 so far, on the debut day and sometime after, but it’s been ages now…

No idea if it is luck, or if there is any way to provoce the appearance.

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I’ve never paid any attention to what’s on the screen down the bottom :rofl:. I just want to get battle over with, get my rewards and rubbish IV Pokemon and move on asap.
Well spotted and worked out.

I did some Beldum yesterday and it provided just as much excitement and head scratching what’s actually going on and why am I really doing these?

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well, now you have the chance of catching double the rubbish IV pokemon! Unless I’m the only unlucky one here, which is probable…

I tried Beldum the other day with only a charmander and whatever I had with me, just to see how bad it would go, and I hardly made a dent on it. I just don’t have the resources for this, so I’m stuck in tier 1 max battles.

I’m fine with that as my main attraction (beside the cool pinkish graphics) is that I get to leave a pokemon to gain candy and a chance of getting a better squirtle/charmander/bulbasaur (especially this last one), as I hardly ever see them around here, so… there’s that. They’ve become farmer spots for me!

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As in other moments, Niantic seems to calculate with the medium amounts. I had, before this adventure, about 300 candies without use of this Pokémon. So, starting the max out, I could use them without problem. But now I’m going down, and for example my Max Charizard has only to wait for the third movement pushed in the max level.

But on the other side, somebody can explain me why I have done so?

I wander over to a Max spot to join a battle where the display shows one trainer waiting. Seems like most of the time I get there with somebody waiting, when I click, there’s nobody else inside.

Related issue: I sometimes raid my main and alt with my sister, and if two of us enter a raid lobby with less than a second between our entries, the gym will only show one trainer waiting in the main display. Entering 2 seconds apart will accurately show two trainers waiting.

Third: I’ve left over a dozen of my dynamax mons in the sites where I just won a max battle, with 3 so far being returned to me later, and so far NONE of them has reported earning any candy while stationed there. Why do we leave them there, again? I don’t see any effect from leaving them behind…

I think you may only get rewards if other people benefit from the stationed Dynamax Mons.

I can’t comment on that personally as lately I’ve only left pokemon on power spots that had already been battled in by some people (and they don’t see a lot of traffic, so I was probably in the last few if not the last person before it changed), but I’ve read there’s a glitch causing you not to receive any candy… I don’t know if it’s fixed by now or it was just “coincidence”. I’ve left one on a new tower, with only one player having gone there, so I’m waiting to see results.

I read here on the website that they had increased difficulty in tier 1 battles and felt the change today, when I tried battling against a bulbasaur. I could take it down easily with a charmander before and now I was taking a much longer time with a charmeleon to diminish the hp.

I didn’t notice if it takes longer to dynamax or anything, but I felt like they had definitely increased the bulbasaur’s power. Its attacks also landed with a lot more damage to me. I almost lost the charmeleon, I had to change into a bulbasaur (suggested team by the game) just for it to take the hits while it filled up the dynamax meter, and then changed back to the charmeleon to land the big hits in the new form (it also took more hits to empty the hp bar).

Admittedly I haven’t powered up the dynamax pokemon I’ve been getting, I’m trying to get enough candy to evolve into a charizard, so leveling up moves is not the priority for me (I mean just the attack move, not even considering shield and hp), but I definitely think there’s a big difference in battle difficulty.

My only problem with this is if this is how tier 1 is going to be, I’m never doing tier 3 solo (beldum, etc…)…
Upping the difficulty in tier 1 means I still can do them solo, just have to make better use of the team I have and inevitably spend potions and (potentially) revives after. I’m not going to be upgrading levels of dynamax pokemon because I just don’t have the candy and don’t see this as a priority.

I just hope I can retrieve more candy for the pokemon I leave there, that’s all. Tomorrow I’ll try different spots to see if there’s a difference.


Added another increment to get a max attack, and noticed I already depleted my candy XL, just to get to level 2 attack. That also wipes out what I had been saving up to make a level 50 venusaur.

The current system of raids, battles, gyms, levels, and megas will compete with this new system of max battles, power spots, and dynamax levels for the resources it takes to be competetive in them.

It would be prudent for most players to decide which raid-and-battle system they want to focus on. Because building competitive teams for each will take prohibitively large investments of Stardust or Max Particles, Candy, and Candy XL. Doing BOTH, will be a luxury that few players who also have real-world lives can afford.


Decision made. No more dynamax nonsense, at least for the time being.

Even just dabbling it in has wiped out all my up-leveling goals for Venusaur and Metagross. It’s not nearly as fun as raiding, has even more restrictive limits than raids, crappy rewards, and absolutely no remotes. I’m sick of it already.


I haven’t bothered to do another since Buldum left. I just can’t get enthusiastic about it at all.

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Yeah…I think we kinda touched on this in the venting thread.

Their goal with the dynamax and gigantimax is to waste your resources and keep you playing.

It wasn’t designed to be useful or fun at all…

Just another way for them to make money.

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I do not dislike Dynamax, but it feels completely purposeless. If they can balance the game in such a way the Dynamax Pokémon are useful in the future I’d happily get a few of them, but for no, I really just see no point in it.


I don’t really see them letting loose and allowing dynamax Pokémon (in Dynamax form) in normal raids, PvP, or other things. Part of me wonders if they’ll do something along the lines of making it so that you can only use Dynamax Pokémon against Gigantamax raids, and then maybe give Gigantamax pokemon some feature that is more broadly useful, but idk :man_shrugging: