Dynamax Discussion

As per the suggestion of @NotanotherKangaskhan, I have made this topic to freely discuss everything around Dynamax (and Gigantamax when it arrives in the game later)!

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I’m having a hard time understanding this feature as well but from what I gathered:

  • The maximum amount of MP you can claim a day is 800.
  • The maximum amount of MP you can store in total is 1000.
  • These are soft caps, and you can actually go over the maximum amount, just when that happens you will not be able to collect anymore MP. Example: if you managed to obtain 740 MP and then claim the MP you get from walking 2 km all on a single day, you will still get the full 300 MP rather than just 60 or 260.
  • You get a Dynamax Wooloo the first time you have collected 1000 MP.
  • You will get an additional Dynamax Wooloo from the Research page.
  • You will get a Dynamax Skwovet from the Research page as well.
  • You may encounter Shiny Dynamax PokĂ©mon.
  • They can be traded.
  • The Research resetting was an error reported by an enormous amount of users so I expect Niantic to be aware of it.
  • Power Spots rotate, seemingly within Level 14 S2 Cells (basically the new Power Spot will appear very close to the old one).

(MP = Max Particles)

For the rest of it I don’t understand how it works either but you should be fine @Stridian.


Thank you for that list, @Jormdeworm !

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thank you for explaining! That wooloo must have been from collecting 1000 MP then, I was under the wrong impression that you only got a pokemon after completing the research task and that was getting me worried… now it makes a lot more sense!

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Well I have now:

  • a Wooloo Dynamax with it’s first move in the second level
  • a second Wooloo evolved to Dubwool Dynamax and his first move in the second level
  • a Skwovet Dynamax with it’s first move in the first level
  • the investigationTo the Max! in the third level, where the text is just Dct: Willow is investigating…

Yeah, apparently there is a maximum amount of Max Particles you can store and you will need to invest them before being able to collect new ones again. Seems kinda odd, but I think Niantic will increase the maximum over time.

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Hopefully without charging us Pokécoins….

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Knowing Niantic… :face_in_clouds:


Does anyone know if Pokemon GO+ Plus can collect Mex particles automatically?

Funny you should ask that.
Upon first release the answer was no. The GoPlus/Gotcha would not pick up the Max Particles like spinning a Stop or Gym.
Now the Max Battles have been released the answer is yes but only once you’ve open up the Max Battle. I found that out last night by accident.
Driving/Walking past one of the Max things = No
Opening up one of those Max Battle things = yes.

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One glitch that’s still here: The Max Raids are left up at night, when they are closed for raiding. Their timer is still counting down, even though we can’t raid them, and will run out just after midnight.

There will be no more raids of that max – just take the doggone raid down

(sorry, not max raid, max BATTLE. battle, raid, whatever…)

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The max battle rewards are already nerfed down to basic raid levels. 2 revives and 10K XP the last one.

No stardust or rare candy the last 2 times. None. Good freaking grief.

Didn’t take long.
The IV drops are just as :poop: as Raiding.
I’ve done 40-50 now if you combine all accts.
Only 2x best IV of 93%. Everything is rubbish.
For those like me that play the Gym Badge/occupation game we hate the leave a Pokémon behind at the Dynamax-thingys as that Pokémon counts in the max of 20 Gyms that can be occupied. That’s just not acceptable for me.

I don’t understand the Max Battles so far, nor what the purpose of them is, and especially not why I would want to spend 200 PokéCoins to double the few Razz Berries and Potions I got, but 10000XP per Max Battle is pretty awesome and makes me want to take on a few.

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As from the start of the game I’m a collector, so I go on to do the same here.
Up to now I have 9 different Dynamax, one of them has two moves maxed out.

I’m shure nothing of this will be important in the game, but personally I’m ok with the outcome.

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Never mind this part, Niantic figured they were being too generous and halved the XP amount you’ll receive. Now the feature went from 95% worthless to 100% worthless.


Yeah, that’s a bad reverse. For me they could have halved the catching balls, but the XP… :face_vomiting:

Can barely aford the particles to have another battle, and it says I can’t collect any more today. Whisky Tango Foxtrot?!?! At this rate I anticipate opening a 2nd move around the time our sun reaches Red Giant stage.

It is now yet another new game feature that I have no interest in ading to my play list.


Having a hard limit on how many max battles I can do in a day is even more ridiculous that the limit on how many particles I can collect. Just plain lame.

Exactly, threy have established limits with no sense. I’m wasting lonely battles (because I don’t need help, and wasting time for nothing…) to rest particles, and so I can spin anotherone without passing the limits. But for what? I don’t have the sensation that I’m going forward, that I´m going in direction of a meta. All this, for what?