Cloning Legendary Monsters

Best CP gets to stay normal and not change to ditto i would hope.

Believing best cp is also highest iv🤪

Wow, cp actually matters here regarding legendaries.

Not to mention Shiny could be lower iv and not the “best” so we getting shiny ditto, called it.

You know I always thought of legendaries as elite,unique creatures…
I can’t even imagine I capture arceus.
The Pokemon god!!!

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Arceus will be like Mew and Celebi, only catching 1, like you want.

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Now that is comforting!

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Catching a 1,500 cp one from quests :rofl:. Why, Niantic, why?

My pidgeot is stronger than 1500.

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There … that’s what I am talking about…

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How do we tell our ideas to Niantic??? Does someone from Niantic reads everybody’s ideas and passes it on to other employees if they like the idea???

I know :joy::sunglasses:

The God of Pokemon best almost touch 5000cp if not beyond that.( ill wait for @Necrozmadabest to come and say it’ll be 3xxxx or something and get nerfed) wait what

Guys,I know it’s not the place to ask…
I am forbidden from liking posts…
It says I need to wait 5 hrs…

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Lol @Necrozmadabest knows all. Gonna leave for a minute to see the cp.


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Currently this strong:


Majestic creature…


Exactly what i wanted, and believed it to be. Knew it wouldnt touch 5000 but rounded up.

Thanks :pray: @5GodLink

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Checkout the buddy distance…lol


No cloning that now. How about i put it this way:

Legendaries : have multiples, you seen lugia movie it had babies.

Mythical: dont have multiples, even tho tv show showed multiple mew and celebi.

Win win?