We need a new thread for the new badge…
I submitted my Squitles in 2 Pokestops, but I don’t know how I got third one :
Though I didn’t got Super Incubator despite coming 1st in one showcase…
Quick question regarding the showcases
Does anyone have info on the possible rewards? Ive looked but havent been able to find anything about the chances and such. Hope that made sense haha
I don’t know the odds of getting them but from what I’ve seen as rewards are XP, Stardust, Mossy Lure Modules, Magnetic Lure Modules, Fast TM, Lucky Eggs, Incense. If I happen to come across a complete list I’ll share it here.
According to some website on Google…
Here are the possible rewards for a Showcase winner:
- Stardust
- 1x Incense
- 1x Super Incubator
- 2x Egg Incubator
- 1x Star Piece
- 9x Ultra Ball
- 1x Magnetic Lure Module
- 15000 XP
Is this the reward for everyone who had won the showcase ?
Because I had won the showcase of Squirtle, but my rewards nothing like those which you mentioned. I got a fast TM, a charge TM, a normal incubator and 10,000 XP.
From what I understood it’s when you are the number 1 but it could just be wrong what the website listed. Or it’s not fully up to date.
Gotcha, well that gives me an idea of the rewards so thank you
Or rather Niantic’s coding are awful again !
Possibly lol. At this point their coding is so awful they even forgot to finish it multiple times. Like when Sandygast released they never finished coding it and bugged all over the place. And there was another Pokémon recently that never got coded fully too before releasing but I forgot which one that was. Maybe Kleavor but I’m not sure.
I’ve been number 1 once, but clearly you don’t get everything of this list, but the things come from this list.
Yeah the list includes possible rewards, not guaranteed rewards. Whoops
Even in this new feature, Niantic had introduced RNG !!
Showcase feature has bugs as well only noticed by dropping Pokémon from more than 1 acct in.
On 5 different occasions now another acct has had the Show Pokémon being a different Pokémon. Upon trying to place a Pokémon in the Showcase go get and error msg. Restarting the game and the same thing happens so that acct is unable to participate in that Showcase.
We can only be thankful it’s not as bad as the Routes mess.
Wouldn’t it make sense to have the showcase have some interface for follow-up – maybe something in the ‘today’ reports that showed which mons we have left in showcases, to see their current status. I have no way to check on this for curiosity (or testing) from ten miles away, the way I can check on the mons I have defending gyms. (For all I know it has already been out-sized a dozen times since last evening…)
But this Tyrunt was the biggest in its particular showcase when I entered it yesterday.
@vorgriff3 scroll down to the very bottom of your ‘today’ tab - there you should find the interface you desire. (Unless you’re part of the group with a bugged experience).
Hope this helps